My main beef is with chipmusicians covering other chipmusician's tracks.
It seems to be a trend. A very sterile one.
I guess people ran out of mainstream tracks to cover and have to move on to incestuous cocksucking.
The next logical step is to cover each other's covers.
Can't wait.

SKGB wrote:
egr wrote:

Day 1:  chill/ambient/dub
Day 2:  hypermelody bounciness
Day 3:  thrashfuck brain crush
Day 4 (wrap party):  more thrashvomit until dead

Day 5: sludge, drone, harsh noise ultraviolence in the afterlife
Day 6: we rise again (with zombie jesus)

Rinse wash repeat

Where's the bromance in all that?
All the time, everyone, everywhere, right?


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion) was something terrible from a business perspective.


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So, what happened exactly?


(33 replies, posted in Releases)

Finally managed to give it a real listen.
Track after track I was thinking "oh so perfect, it's my favorite track of the EP"
Then I'd think "wait, wasn't the previous one the best one?"
Then go back to listening again, trying to pick a favorite track.
In the end I realized 2 things :
1-I'm dumb: when was it even necessary to pick a favorite track?
2-This EP is too good to try and pick a best track, you'd drive yourself crazy trying.

Shiny sexy razor-sharp (huhuh) tunes.

Three days of Ant1.


(67 replies, posted in Releases)

exileFaker release, then Knife City.

What next, a new Bit Shifter release, 8BP? wink

Chainsaw Police wrote:
Decktonic wrote:

i want to add to my list Kris Keyser and Je Mappelle

Didn't Je Mapelle quit chipmusic though?

From what I understand, you have to quit chiptune a few times to be considered a legit chipmusician.

Old stuff, what old stuff?

I cleaned my refrigerator and found yogurt dated 2011.
I found the thing playing Tetris on a Greyboy.
It looked up to me and called me "Mommy".
I freaked out and threw it in the trash.

It's only via internet, since we are not the ones handling the door.

Festival passes will not be available at the door.
They are only available online until Thursday,
There is a very good chance both nights might be sold out, according to Facebook and past experience.
There has never been as much media coverage and the venue can only accommodate 300 guests.
Bottom line : if you want to make sure to get in, better to buy your ticket online or arrive very early.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm also retiring from being French-Canadian, as Britons think I'm either Russian or Californian. For real.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm moving to England and will therefore retire from chipmusic as there is no such thing as English chipmusic, just awesome rock and will therefore become a rockstar.
Who am I kidding? I was never "in" chipmusic, but just "that girl who works the door at Toy Company omg she looks just like Morena Baccarin".
Therefore, I'm retiring from looking like that whore in Firefly.

Final lineup will be announced very shortly.

Tickets are now on sale via

Toy Company is proud to start 2012 with a bang and its first ever festival!

Friday February 10th & Saturday February 11th 21:00 - 3:00

Jackie & Judy
6512 avenue du Parc
Montreal, QC

One day ticket : $15
Two day pass : $20


??? [Montreal]
Aliceffekt [Montreal]
Battle Lava [Montreal]
Br1ght Pr1mate [Boston]
Das Mörtal [Montreal]
DJ Pie [Paris]
ExileFaker [New York]
Heosphoros [New Brunswick]
Pocaille [Montreal]
Rhinostrich [New York]
Shrimps [New York]
STARPAUSE [San Francisco]
XC3N [Montreal]
Xyno [Joliette]

VJ Albiréo [Montreal]
VJ Invader Bacca [New York]

+  Indie videogames showcase courtesy of The Mount Royal Game Society

Tickets on sale soon!

FB event page :