I'd rather have you stop spreading false information in a n00b thread.

I never said anything was better than the other, quite the contrary.
I just said that fakebit was a BS term, and implied you didn't know much - besides gameboys and NESes - for someone who spoke as having the One And Only Truth, Frostbyte, and that you should do your homeworks before spreading falseness, especially to the ones looking to learn.

Frosbyte == guru of all things of the chip.

Congrats, mate.

My definition is more accurate because it is more accurate.

Oh and "fakebit" means that the person using the term is talking out of his ass.

kineticturtle wrote:

You know what I mean. Learning one type of chip interface is always helpful in learning another. Mostly you're learning about how older, limited audio platforms work, which is essential to the genre, even if you're not working on actual older hardware platforms. It teaches you the history of the style.

I'm not saying everyone should start on LSDJ, I'm just saying that it's an entirely defensible suggestion to a beginner who doesn't know what they want to do.

How does that teach you "history of the style"?

Learning Latin doesn't teach you linguistics.
Knowing how to code in 6502 assembly doesn't give you a Ph D. in computer history.

Don't listen to 4mat, he's fakebit.

of what this thread is about, then please teach me your wizard skills because I'm starting to get very annoyed by titles like this one and having to click on it to know what the deal is.

Not all "chipmusic" is made via trackers.

Considering that our friend here has been told, basically to get a Greyboy and LSDJ, I'm not sure how helpful that really is.
It's like going to guitarmusic.org and asking "how do I start guitar" and being told to buy a Fender Stratocaster.
Myself, when it comes to Fender classic guitars, I'm a fan of the Telecaster sound. But really, given a free choice, I'd get an Epiphone Coronet.

But fact is, I'm really happy I never spent much money on buying a guitar. I spent $400 on an OK acoustic guitar, after trying a few of them in my price range, and it turned out that guitar wasn't for me.

When I was in junior high, I took music. The teacher had older students play all the instruments for us and answer our questions on how learning it is like. We were then given an hour to try them out, and a week to make our choice. I never thought I'd enjoy playing the clarinet that much, and would've never known without that process. I would've probably picked the violin, and drop it for the same reason I dropped guitar.

More to the point here :

Greyboy+LSDJ isn't all there is to chipmusic.

There are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you go and make a choice as to where to start. If you start with something that doesn't suit you, chances are you're just gonna drop it all.

1- What kind of soundset do you like?
Listen to all sorts of different artists, not so much for their compositions, but for the sound of the "instruments".
If you fall in love with specific sounds, go check what gear they're using.
You'll soon find that a lot of what you hear isn't "pure" chip.
Some people do most of the work from the original hardware.
Some make their own sample from original hardware, but use modern software to bring everything together.
Some use trackers on modern computers.
Some use more modern ways of composing music with modern computers.
Some use original outdated computers that don't have a chip but a soundcard, but have a very distinct sound.
Some use old keyboards.
Some circuit-bend new keyboards.

2-Does this way of writing music suits you?
As you've seen, there are many ways to go and make "chipmusic".
There are even more interfaces available to you.
If you fall in love with the ZX Spectrum, there won't be that many choices available to you, so make sure you'd feel comfortable tracking on those old beasts, by trying a tracker via an emulator, for instance.
However, if you decide to go with modern software and modern computers, there are a lot more options available to you and you might want to try out a few demos before you spend too much money and time trying to learn something that doesn't work with you just because you were told it was the "best' software.

I'm sure actual chipmusicians can improve on my post and give our friend here a couple more pointers.

**Edited some obvious typos out**


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Again, same problem in Montreal.
They even raised our tuition fees a month after they raised yours.
Besides, the province of Quebec is A LOT bigger than England, and has only about a tenth of the population.

You can write a fucking novel all you want, it won't change the fact that your analysis of the issue is flawed.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just meant that the "deficient" public transportation and "lack of interest in culture'' in the United Kingdom felt a bit fallacious to me.

Of all the big cities I've visited, NYC was the only one with 24/7 subway service.
I found that in Montreal and Paris - with ZERO trains between 1am and 5:30am - people go out more than in NYC.
In Montreal (where bars close at 3am), people either go out more early (during the week) and get back home with the last trains, go to afterparties and take the first morning trains, pay for a cab, sleep at a friend's who lives close to the party district, etc...
In Paris (where the venues close around 6am) people drink at home until midnight and then go out and come back home with the first morning trains.

Montreal and Paris are both ''cultural" cities, but there isn't much of a chipscene in Paris, whereas we've been able to have lots of successful events in Montreal.

The answer has to be something else.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

CDK : I'd like to know how public transportation in the United Kingdom affect Reading+Leeds, Glastonbury and Camden's scene?

And, personally, I'd move to England tomorrow morning, part of it is because of English culture, namely music. (And Doctor Who, of course! :3)


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

(double post)


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Again : Herr_prof's unhappy choice of wording was way too good for me to ignore. Now, since I'm considered a troll no matter what I write (and yes, mostly by people from NYC. But since even people like 4mat are starting to get the same treatment, I feel less and less targeted) combined with the fact I'm no musician and therefore have nothing to gain nor to lose for speaking my mind I will say one thing : Bit Shifter, even though I (the main and only "antagonist" here) have stated more than once that this was a joke, you still feel the urge to justify yourself.
And THAT puzzles me.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey, I was just making a joke at Herr_Prof's expense here. So so so serious.
(Thought the post right above it made that clear.)