(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

23:15    an-cat-max    i'll trade you my nuzleaf for your nullsleep
23:16    fourmat    hang on, this tvdeathsquad card is just a randomizer card with tvdeathsquad written on it in biro.
23:16        *** ElHuesudoII quit (Quit: Saliendo)
23:17    George    I will only accept a Ant1 Does Nullsleep for my Nullsleep, sry m8
23:17    an-cat-max    HEYYY
23:17    an-cat-max    my tvdeathsquad card is a wiklund card with biro writing
23:17    an-cat-max    !!!
23:17    an-cat-max    >:|


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also, freudian slip?
''(...) is a pretty simplistic view of the scene, and of the people organizing it.''

The problem might be that NYC wants to organize the scene.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Q1 - Is this thread the ''official'' Blip thread?
A1 - No.

Q2 - Is this thread titled ''Fantasy Blip Festival 2011"?
A2 - Yes.

Q3 - Do we believe this thread exists mostly so the ''official'' Blip thread can be freed of people's opinions and views?
A3 - Yes.

Q4 - Will anything discussed in this thread ever change anything about anything?
A4 - Most likely no.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You're getting me wrong here, DaPantz : it's got NOTHING to do with the perceived glory. To me, Blip is like the IGF with no money nor deals to gain from it. Basically, all you can "get" from Blip is peer accolades. It has EVERYTHING to do with me, as a possible attendee, feeling left out and not seeing much that could be of interest to me in the current lineup. Last year there was little-scale and i, cactus.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Iron Curtain : you know most of the acts you've listed have already played Blip?


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@DaPantz : though I get your point and tend to agree with it for the most part, this "they're getting ignored'' feeling is shared by a lot of fans. There is never a lot of music of that genre to satisfy that kind of chipmusic enthusiast at Blip, and the DMG à la New Yorkaise seem over-represented. Mind you, it is afterall in NYC, and that's probably what most people want anyway and I should therefore shut my fucking mouth now.


(295 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This will read as trolling to most, but as pretty much everything I write here, it isn't.
This is an honest to god question that bugs me.

I was streaming this http://ant1.bandcamp.com/album/gr8est-hits and couldn't help but think "this is brilliant. Why do the Blip curators ignore people like him and PDF Format? Is it because they think their crowd won't 'get it'? Is it because they don't get it? little-scale and goto80 do similar sounding stuff at times and have been invited to Blip, is it the way they present themselves that is the issue here?''

Go on, throw your rocks at me.

Natty wrote:
George wrote:

The previous (and only other) time I almost fainted and if it hadn't been for minusbaby and Paris I would've.

So yea. that would actually be my best Pulsewave EVER.



The previous (and only other) time I almost fainted and if it hadn't been for minusbaby and Paris I would've.

So yea. that would actually be my best Pulsewave EVER.

Don't pretend like you don't know I was only being a cheeky smartass.
Last time I was in NYC, I ditched my friends - with very rough directions to Ludlow st - to come party with all of you at Pulsewave.
I'd be there if I could.

4mat is just an Englishman, forgive him.

Guys. Quit quitting chipmusic already.
Be clever : don't start chipmusic.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wtf happened to this thread?
why can't we ever have nice things?


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Hey guys, george is one of THEM now.

"Fuck you, you fucking fuck!"


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:

4mat: chiptune pioneer, or common troll?

It can only be one or the other.
Choose your clique 4mat.
Choose it well because it's the people you're gonna be inbreeding with.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Don't worry Matt, you'll never get the cold shoulder.