(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

But I enjoyed the Portugal vs. Brazil game.
Two words : Cristiano Ronaldo. :3


(47 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd totally make out on Nullsleep's "Decade", I think it's as sexy as chip can get.

And now, nobody in this scene wants to make out with me, haha!
(Except for CDK who'd suck my dick no matter what.)


(82 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Don't know if it's a label per se, but I love this place : http://home.no/metrodub/

I'd force you both to play. :3

FYI : There was a revolution in Quebec : open mic is now at the beginning of shows. :3

Only 65 tickets available : pre-order starts at 5:00pm tonight on http://drownspire.com/tickets/

Toy Company est fier de présenter 60Hz Beta Beat @ LoFi Loft :
Lignes de basse contre vague de chaleur. Apportez vos souliers de danse. Apportez votre alcool.

Toy Company is proud to present 60Hz Beta Beat @ LoFi Loft:
Basslines against the heat wave. Bring your dancing shoes. Bring your own booze.


Invité spécial / special guest : DJ KILLBOB

Samedi 10 juillet,  21:00
LoFi Loft
1410 rue Wolfe, Montréal
Coin Ste-Catherine, Métro Beaudry

Billets / Tickets

11$ pré-vente / pre-order @ http://drownspire.com/tickets/
15$ à l'entrée / at the door

Micro ouvert / Open mic
Contact : [email protected]

// Infos //

minusbaby // New York City // 8bitpeoples – Beat Fanatic - Godxiliary //

minusbaby tisse des contrepointes de dissonances subtiles et de surprises. Bien qu'il soit impossible de prédire de quoi sera composée chaque performance, une constante demeure: des rythmes équatoriaux puissants faisant rebondir tout ce qui n'a pas été arrimé, explosant le sens même de l'orchestration 8-bit. //
minusbaby trades in counterpoint, subtle dissonances and surprises. While it may be impossible to predict what will happen at each performance, one constant can be expected: a forceful equatorial beat to make anything bump and bounce that hasn't been tied down, exploding the very meaning of 8-bit orchestration.

??? // Montréal // metrodub //

??? est né en 1983. Il aimerait bien avoir un chat, mais il craint qu'il ne mangerait tous les fils et plantes qu'il a à la maison. Entre temps, il utilise les Game boy et Nintendo Enternaiment System pour produire des pistes dub et hiphop funky qui vous feront danser toute la soirée. //
??? was born in 1983. He would like to have a cat, but he fears it'd eat the wires and plants he has at home. In the meantime he uses the Game boy and Nintendo Entertainment System to make dub and funky hiphop tracks that will keep you groovin' all night.

[XC3N] // Montréal // Toy Company – HEXAWE //

Membre fondateur de Toy Company et représentant HEXAWE de longue date, XC3N utilise diverses plateformes portables (Gameboy, GP2X, Nintendo DS) pour produire un flow downtempo, parfois hip hop, parfois dub, souvent éclectique.//
Toy Company Founding Member and long time HEXAWE Br0th3r, XC3N uses different portable platforms (Gameboy, GP2X, Nintendo DS) to produce a downtempo flow, sometimes dub, sometimes hip hop, often eclectic.

Invité spécial // Special guest
DJ killbob // IDM – Breakcore - Chiptunes

Facebook event : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=132007766822425
Twitter : #60hz


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A few years ago I lost my cellphone, probably in the subway or on the street. I got another one, and since I had been out of a phone for about a day I checked my voicemail right away. I had 3 messages from a drunk guy.

#1 "yo...I got your cellphone...like...pick up...I have your cellphone"
#3 "Fuck you bitch, I'm keeping your cellphone. You should've picked up, bitch."


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://soundcloud.com/monkeydub/sets/th … ix-samples

Oh 10k you are so sexy.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My friend Wally’s track The Grind [MDR006] was chosen for remixing.

The winner will have the chance to be released alongside the two remixes of the originals founders of Monkey Dub Recording – Cheetah & Meta.B – and the best remix from all the label’s artists.

Thought some of you guys might be interested.

Give it a listen, and grab the samples here : http://www.monkeydub.com/contests/monke … -contest-1


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Blue Point Toasted Lager.

OK, now I miss NYC.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

They can air it after that hoarding show, but before the kiddie pageant show.

My thought exactly.
We should run The Lowlife Channel.

Btw guys, we're currently looking for a chipmusic dwarf couple hoarding cakes in New Jersey with their 26 pageant children.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's one swimsuit contest I don't wanna see. But I'm willing to sell the concept to TLC.


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Close, but the score calls for fortissimo, Italian for "obnoxious".
Speaking of Italian, how are the divers doing in this cup?


(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Akira, you think you can make a Game boy music version of this?