The download rate is craptacular because:
this download is PUNK and CHEEKY and DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT.

The lyrics/singing reminds me a lot of the band Art Brut, especially on "Leaving home", "Frens" and "Done did it" (and that's a very good thing).

Haha, no sweat! It's just a bit ironic, since you're so prolific. smile

Gentlemen, please fix the 48 hour challenge : don't let it die, it's a nice creature.

little-scale, you broke it.

I like Duchess Says better but not sure if they count. They use old casios I believe (not 100% sure) and have more chip sounds or chip-like sounds going on than Cougarettes IMO

We've got Cougarettes, electroclash band + atari, and Noia sorta dancy post-punk guitar +drums + game boy (love their thing), here.

I will download this later on this week : I want to give it a proper listen, I'm in the middle of tons of things and I wouldn't want that to get lost in the middle of the "to listen" folder. For now I just wanted to say that I LOOOVE the cover art! Who's work is it?

Haha! Great!
And yeah, always interesting to know what the rest of the world is up to. (Thanks for sharing)


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

little-scale wrote:

It's a shame people are suggesting Raptor-Kharlan - why not Derris-Kharlan, Dot.AY, Maddest Kings Alive or Ctrix, if you're going to ask for people from Australia?

Oh, when I wrote "I say 10 000 free men and their families and friends and Raptor-Kharlan", I meant it as :
10k (or for long "Ten thousand free men and their families")
the "and friends", meant "and every single Australian chip musician"
And then, "Raptor-Kharlan" was added "for teh lulz" and to emphasize the "every sinlge Australian chip musician".

(But let it be noted that I AM, for REAL, a big Raptor-Kharlan fan, and would sacrifice many baby raptors to Raptor Jesus to see them perform live. And I'm a Derris-Kharlan fan too. :3)


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

I was thinking "let's just move that thing to the Albert Hall", but then Wikipedia told me "that the maximum permitted capacity is now 5544 including standing in the Gallery".


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

I say 10 000 free men and their families and friends and Raptor-Kharlan.


(299 replies, posted in Past Events)

I believe Natty brought a very valid point.
This thread may be seen by people as somewhat of a lack of professionalism/vision on your part. Definitely not something you want when trying to organize such a big event.

When it comes to curation in itself, asking other curators about what has worked or not for them should prove useful. Attending many shows and noting down what you think works and doesn't will certainly help building your own vision as a curator, and therefore make your events different, special. I've went to shows where I didn't even know 1/3 of the artists on the lineup, solely based on the fact I trusted the curators' vision. They've always been great experiences as a spectator for me.

Asking, in private, spectators/enthusiasts that, in your opinion, represent well the type of crowd you are aiming to please is another way of narrowing down your options.

Every first year computer science student at my uni have the prog1 exam at the same time. No way around it.


(40 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

>walk to a bus stop where there are people waiting
>use invisibility to get on the bus

If it wasn't for the fact that I have a mid-term exam the very same day, in Montreal, I'd seriously consider getting my ass to Philly for that edition of 8static.


(40 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
