(62 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The km-202 is the best mixer ever. its like the 402, just cheaper. there is a mod that lets you add a soundcard to it too.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

making music for a year seems a better spend of time. not to be a pessimist, but there is every kind of game or app already done.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i got screwed on a replacement too. might as well have flushed $7 down the toilet. seller's name was hurrytobuy on ebay. avoid that.

be careful not to breathe the smoke from the flux. that crap is really bad for you.

What kind of wire did you try to solder to it? did you use flux? I burned some of the ribbon cable away also. Kynar wire(20 awg), flux, and very small amounts of solder are the keys. follow the traces of the ribbon cable up a ways it looks like you still have enough to work with. melt away yellow film a little bit (2mm). you will have several tries. after painting exposed metal from ribbion cable (use a toothpick) and the wire in flux paste, hold the wire and ribbon together how you want them before you solder. have a fine tipped (grind it down and sand it smooth so it is about a 35 degree angle) solder iron tinned (this means to melt solder on to the tip). with a drop of solder the size of a pinhead stuck to the iron, touch it to the things covered in flux. the flux will sizzle. DO NOT HOLD IT ON FOR MOE THAN A SECOND! do things step by step.


(43 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

is it okay to put pulsar on a nes powerpack or a krizz n8?

keeping one stock is a smart idea because you might want to work on songs during the daytime. you cant stick the film back on after you have razored it off. daylight hours are also my (and anyone with a normal pituitary gland) most productive time.


(22 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

if your dead set on making something that sounds good, get a derpcart or have a pro mod a bleepbloop cart with software up on it that will write to flash memory... also the modded bleepbloop holds more saves. memory is everythimg. if you spend up to 8 hours on a song you better remember how to make it again because your junky ems cart sure as fuck wont.nothing like getting friends hyped up about your new songs then telling them oops they wont load...


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

as long as you dont have scratches on the glass it is ok. most backlights come with new film, and you can order new film too. you may need 2 films depending on how you want it to look. what color of backlight do you plan on doing? you can also get biversion kits.
when fixing the display I have always left the rubber strip intact, so I dont know about that.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

for some reason i cannot stop playing fallout new vegas.


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Have you tried patching lsdj with little fm?


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I love that you guys are getting new folks interested. Thank you for your work in the field.

Fluency with the interface of trackers is quite different from musical talent. If you are in need of the ability to construct interesting melodies, you will have to do a ton of listening. I have used nanoloop 2 to explore the general essence of every scale (I have come up with 9 really catchy melodies). If you set the notes of the scale you want to get to know by ear into a phrase, you are able to set it to play a perpetual random sequence of only those notes. This way of understanding is much different  than just memorizing a scale. It seems almost impossible to get bored with it, but at the same time you have to be able to remember what exactly you just heard and write it down or record it. I am also experimenting with leaving some notes out of scales completely. I almost have to have a guitar in my hands to come up with anything musical. Chiptunes for me is the whole backup band.

Dont bother with pocket music. It is a waste of monies. Have you considered using a ds? if so nitro tracker has a lot of power. For gba try fat


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

maybe its a weird idea, but have you tried spraying the cart shell with pam before applying the mold star 30? what about the shape of the inside of the shell, then?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I want a metallic purple cart shell when your mold is perfected. I am churning an idea inside my head since frosting donuts at work... make molds out of plaster and drizzle them with molten silver let cool and fill the rest of the way with plastic... could be cool if i get the setup hot enough.
you said cast in resin? is that what you made molds from, Chronoseptor?