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SketchMan3 wrote:Here's another suggestion: Think of a horrible "blip/chip/bloop" related pun, and then find synonyms for the "offending" words that sound like they have nothing to do with bleepbloop mario music.
Bit = Tad/Piece/Portion/Morsel/Crumb/Fragment
Chip = Chunk/Shaving/Chisel/what's the British word for "potato chip"? I forget, but I know "chips" are french fried potatoes, but anyway "British word for potato chips"
Bleep = Censor/Squeal/Whine/Block/Curses
BRK = Destroy/Shatter/Annihilate/Stop/Silence
Channel = Avenue/Street/Way/Path/Window
I was looking for square0ne's thread on coming up with a new name but couldn't find it...
Didn't he have a second name before the final "I'm Heading For A Bomb Shelter" that he settled on?
You might be able to find something there if you can dig it up... Too bad nobody on the forums has insulted you with bad names that you could use. You could call yourself "Cheep *bleeep*" and call it a reference to censorship or something that has nothing to do with Gameboys?
My first impression of you from the first track you uploaded was "My, this is a thoughtful sensitive young lady" cuz I thought you were a girl at first... :S Maybe you can come up with something out of that? You seem to be at least 2/3 of those things...
Young lady? Hahaha! So something like Queen, huh?
These are actually really good suggestions. I'll take them into consideration, thanks!
btw im following you on soundcloud now so yeah
defPREMIUM wrote:'marilyn's mansion' is kinda sick actually, the rest of those are kind of lameee tho!
ikr i need help
I'm nothing like Marilyn Manson, so I can't use that name. If anyone else wants it, take it! Haha.
TheBronyChip wrote:Cooshinator wrote:No offense but your name isn't a very good example
EDIT: Oh shit there's a third page
yea its a bad example but i think he/she gets my idea
The Legend of Super Mario 64? Haha.
Twilight Mask
Yoshi's Dream Land
Marilyn's Mansion
Alice In Neverland
Mushroom Kingdom Hearts
a fourth page holy crap
Victory Road wrote:what do you even want to sound like
also call yourself "the beatles"
Not sure, man. I'm not the kind of guy who has a label or scene. You know, I'm not dead set on a certain genre. I'm just flat out of ideas! I was writing names down in a notebook and when I wrote, "Pencil Neck," I knew I had hit rock bottom. Haha!
The Beatles, haha. Reminds me of Wayne's World.
"Hey, Tiny. Who's playing tonight?"
"Jolly Green Giants, Shitty Beatles."
"Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?"
"They suck!"
"Then it's not just a clever name."
sorry bro im bored
Cooshinator wrote:Bit Shitter
LMAO, nice!
SketchMan3 wrote:If your username is your "artist" name then you should probably come up with it yourself, unfortunately. Maybe think of something that is important to you or something you want to convey.
Honestly, I like Bleepicheep because Reepicheep (is that the right spelling?) is one of my favorite literary characters but oh well. It's just too bad that only a few people can get away with a name that references "bit"s and "bleep"s and stuff.
Anyway, I'll just throw out some things just for the sake of it:
Mr. Ratbite
Glint Beastwood
Sensitive Young Man (SYM For Short)
k im dun
These types of threads rarely amount to anything useful, just letting you know
Edit: And the people who care enough about your username to dislike it probably don't care enough to help you find a better one, oddly enough. Hehe.
Yeah, I was mostly doing this just for fun. No big deal.
I was thinking. The most famous people have weird pseudonyms.
Eminem, for instance. That's a candy. C'mon. I'm not dissing him, but really.
The only reason I don't want to keep Bleepicheep is because I don't want an 8bit reference in it.
I'm planning to get Reason or Ableton Live soon enough, so there won't be much chip in my music anymore.
My username sucks. There's no getting around it.
I've always sucked at making usernames too, so I can't come up with anything.
Let's hear your ideas! Go!
e.s.c. wrote:chunter wrote:I thought GB Player (the Game Cube one) only plays GBA carts.
works fine with nanoloop 1.x... never tried mine with the ems 64bit cart... you do have the nintendo brand one, correct? there was a third party one i had bought at first that was garbage, didn't play half my legit gba games
Oh no, this is the Nintendo brand Game Boy Player fo sho.
Invisible Robot Hands wrote:The Gameboy Player has randomly glitched out and reset with LSDJ for me a few times, but the ratio of working to not working is usually okay after a little fidgeting with the cart.
Okay, then. I didn't do much fidgeting, so I'll try that.
Thanks for all the input, guys. :3
Saskrotch wrote:Might depend on what type of cart you're using.
Yeah. I don't know anything about computers or things of that nature, so it's totally possible.
Anyway, I'm using the usb 64m smart card from Kitsch-Bent.
I tried it. It didn't work for me. Just letting you guys know.
Here's the thing. It starts up fine, the LSDj song screen comes up, no problem. It's only when I tried to play the project that the Game Boy Player immediately reset itself. I thought maybe it was too complicated to process (even though it played fine on my DMG... Whatever, I don't know), so I tried to load a different project. It reset itself immediately after starting to load. I was hardheaded and kept trying, but to no avail.
inb4 my Game Boy Player is defective. I play other games on it often, with no problems.
Has anyone else gotten it to work?
Posts found: 9 / Forums / Posts by Bleepicheep