
(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

akira, i should have these in the shop again in about 15-20 minutes.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

it depends on which type you want.  they all are on there way here now, but i don't have an expected delivery date.  tbh, could be today even.  would be convenient...

there is one non-usb super-everdrive in the shop now.  the rest are sold out for the moment.

from the newsletter


hey everybody -

busy day, let's get to it:

lsdj stickers have arrived, and are available: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/lsdj-stickers

a B&W one comes standard with each 64m cart now wink

which... are back in stock: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/usb-64m-smart-card

as are krikzz's super-everdrive (non-usb) carts: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/su … ve-non-usb

fun times.

as always, keep chipping!





(11 replies, posted in Sega)

akira^8GB wrote:

Doesn't the Genesis Everdrive support SMS?

most all of them are supported.  there does indeed seem to a bit of redundancy between the two carts...


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

its for windows, exe file...

the issue with that tracker (a huge issue) is the graphics.  its a hit and miss with different computers, depending on their video card.  out of all the computers i tried it on, i only got it working on an old vaio.  the website used to say something about video card compatibility issues, but not sure if it does anymore...


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

haha, i have this record too tongue

a bit disappointing isn't it...  the cover IS the best part...


(16 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

nice to see they are finishing this thing, seemed like it was in the works forever. 

don't care for the name. 

'quest for the tempest'

from the newsletter 


hey everyone --

boneless, the album-on-cartridge from the mist toggles, is back in the shop: http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/boneless

pretty limited, so snatch it up if interested wink

keep chipping!





(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i'm not a fan of the yobo clones myself.  for a clone, they aren't so great compared to others.  not tried this particular one though.

they are different.  we are working towards doing GBC buttons though, and shouldn't be too much longer. 

well, machine cast GBC buttons, OR the NES buttons, are next on the list.

So, what should we do...  GBC or NES next?  (question open to whomever).


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)


i'm glad,  although i've not really got access to a transferrer either for that cart now, haha...  will be fun.  stupid parallel port antiquated -ness. yes.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)



the rules wrote:

Please indicate prices on items you are selling, if you are tying to see what you can get for it use an auction site like ebay.

wink  just helps people be aware, and helps you avoid bs offers...

so say we all.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

terrific news wink  can't wait!


(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

the rules wrote:

Please indicate prices on items you are selling, if you are tying to see what you can get for it use an auction site like ebay.


it works.  just fine.