sega flash cart restock: … ith-sd-mmc


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

you can use the EMS carts in pockets fine *if* you use an AC adapter.  the adapter's specs can be found at the bottom of the product description in ye old site...

they should work fine on the other consoles. 

the two AAA batteries in the pocket simply don't have enough juice for the pocket when using the EMS cart.  if you wanted to know the technical reason, ya know...

i love


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

there are a few toronto people on here, and i'm sure they can answer your question more direct....

but, if you want, we can take non-digital methods.  only if this doesn't pan out for you...

somebody correct me if i'm wrong.....

but the pocket and color both have internal 5V.  if not coming directly off the power supply or anywhere else (preferentially), then check on pin 1 of the cartridge connector (or, is it pin 32???). 

either the first or the last one, should be 5V (and the other will be GND).

edit -- i realized that this answer may not make sense.....  becuase obviously how is there 5V with not even that voltage from the battery source???

well.  the power supply converts the incoming voltage into what the circuitry needs, so, in the DMG's case, this means taking the 6V and giving you +5V and -18V (for LCD contrast). 

and, unless i'm nuts, the pocket power supply gives the same.  the pocket i'm not sure about the contrast for LCD, but the 5V should be a standard.

e-mail me if you don't get a reply on replacing this another way.  i'm generally able to help out in some fashion.  If not directly, then hopefully via EMS (through us, as they tend to cater to us a little bit more).

regarding your powercycling issue.....  and the issue with the cart....  and because i enjoy doing research on this stuff because it affects me.....

1) on the back of the cartridge, there should be a numerical code stamped in the plastic.  what is this code?
2) have you tried taking the cart out of the gameboy, waiting, then trying to get to menu 1?  sometimes that helps if the cart is getting hung-up in menu 2. 
3) lastly, the 1-2 second wait time EMS mentions (in one of their manuals at least) is a joke....  its more like 10-15 seconds on most carts.  a longer wait, but who cares, since you get two menus tongue  (provided they work unlike your cart apparently).

actually, i should maybe say.........  if people need cart help ask (PM or whatnot).  i answer e-mails all the freakin' time from people who aren't customers of ours and can't get help, so its something i really don't mind doing.... unless it becomes a burden which it isn't right now at all. 

that goes for you, mountainhead, as well as anyone else in a shit-storm with a cart.  from us, or not.

thanks guys (:  constructive criticism helps a lot, as some things folks mentioned have already been implemented.  the choice to go with a single LED was a call after i had a dual version made up as well (well, a few versions, different thicknesses, single/dual LEDs, etc...).  its really just a matter of balancing things that i like about what is on the market, with things i (personally) thought were rather strange design features.  but, yeah, to each their own i suppose.  but, the feedback does help tons.  i mean, i've just got to keep in mind the reality that it is really just a backlight...  and at some point chasing after the perfect one gets kind of ridiculous.  the design could be redone for ages honestly...  and will be changed more like it should.  i would imagine there will never be a final version.  and, there shouldn't be i guess, as there is always something to improve upon...

so, yeah, i hope the vid helps people that have asked.

i put up a vid of the RGBva kit in action, since i've had a lot of requests for a vid.

yes, it is out of focus.  yes, i spend an inordinate amount of time on the shades of blues, and not greens and reds.

a newer vid will be uploaded, but i'm swamped, so enjoy for now.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

its booting into menu 2, which is where i put muddyGB (to test the powercycling before shipping).  it typically means that you are turning the gameboy on too recently after turning it off (the powercycling bit).  the manual EMS did i think says to wait a second, but in reality its closer to 5-10.  and, slip the cartridge out of the gameboy if it doesn't work, as that seems to speed the cap up in its discharging (so that powercycling doesn't happen).

but, that is what is going on.  MuddyGB is the ROM in menu 2.  you'll notice the green light LED illuminates when muddyGB 'happens' as well.  this indicates you are in menu 2.

you did nothing wrong.  you've (i suppose) stumbled across one of its features.

PS - don't connect the cart via USB when the cart is inside the gameboy, especially if the gameboy is powered on.  take the cart out.  (:

option 2 for cover art, option 3 for vinyl art.


(82 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

NeX wrote:

its still awesome! would it be easy to invert the screen print to make this PCB white?

the PCB fabhouse will do that.  you don't assign colors in CAD design.  you tell your fab house what you want...  say, green soldermask with white print, or white soldermask with black print


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

sega flashcarts will be restocked tonight at 1 AM EST (EST is -5 GMT). … ith-sd-mmc

good hunting....


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Emar wrote:

Does the battery running out cause cart corruption?


Analog is crazy wonderful....


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

TmTgr wrote:
pr0n wrote:

where did you get a blue screen cover? it looks sic =]

Blue? I don't see any blue screen cover.

from the first picture.

the lighting is just bad in that pic though.  all the pics are of the same looking unit.

unless i'm missing something...


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

pretty big_smile