One thing I was wondering is, that probably very fast code does not get through correctly since its' going through a MIDI port, but in a tool like this, I'm not sure if that's important, or getting something that sounds good smile

Thank you for that info! It's around 25 years since I touched my C128 the last time so I'm getting a bit rusty on the details big_smile

This is beyond fantastic! I have been playing around a bit, getting used to the UI.

It's seems to run fine on a modified build of Vice somebody posted to the MIdiBox SID forums some years back, and sound playback from my SammichSID hardware synthesizer seems to be quite good, definitely useful for creating samples for production!

I created a comparison between the sound of the Vice's ReSID emulation and the stereo output from the SammichSID using the demotrack1 supplied with Patchwork, the hardware definitely sounds better. … vs-harware

The only problem is, many SID files don't load even though they are below 8kb. I don't know of a way to check in Windows, where the tune tries to load, and often Patchwork crashes after trying to load a SID that would occupy an invalid memory range. The error message is:"outside ram si"


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Not safe for operating heavy machinery! Totally hypnotic, very tasteful. I really like this.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Wow, incredible coincidence big_smile

I was supposed to do the sounds too, I even made hours of field recordings actually for the basis, but I felt super not motivated since I didn't have the dev tools and could not try the sounds out myself in the game, so it was so cumbersome and requiring so much back and forth mailing that I think they got tired of that before me and found somebody else smile

I actually wrote several other tunes too for that game the short chippy scetches on my soundcloud page were some idea I sent to them... But they wanted less chippy and distinctive sounds for the game, I am now thinking of reworking the rest of that material too so it won't be left unused.


(3 replies, posted in Releases) … e-extended

Extended version of the theme for Cave Crew, a small Android game I scored a few years back.

Some software emulated Hubbard snares I stole from his tracks with a SID player (I should bother to do my own...), the arps in the back towards the end come from a SammichSID... Otherwise VST stuff. I was thinking of doing the pwm lead with real gear also, but I ended liking the current one...


(4 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Ah, I was under the impression that LPOF just moves both loop points forward the same amount, and that you couldn't change the length of the loop with that. Gotta try that out.

Sample offset does not really help here...


(4 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

It would be very useful to be able to loop the phrase on all channels from inside the phrase editor.

Now composing polyphonic parts with long chains is kind of slow, when after every edit one needs to listen (b+right) from the beginning of the chain.

Also, for sample mangling an option to slide loop points would be cool.

Like, for example setting initially an extremely short loop, and then have for example LESL and LBSL commands (for end and beginning loop point) with parameters for speed (like with other slideable parameters, change at 7f for forward, backward) and distance in 256ths of the sample.
You can try this in the Renoise sample editor by just dragging the loop points around when a sample is playing, the effect is quite distinct.

instrument sync:
This would work mainly with short samples, especially single cycle waveforms. Like a control voltage oscillator sync, but the slaved instrument is instead restarted each time the master instruments loop reaches the start point. I can hear this now in my ears, and it also sounds like not such a CPU intensive action. Some logic would have to be thought out for cases where the master oscillator is playing on several channels.