I'll fight someone for that tx81z


(58 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Are any of those nl 1 carts version 1.2?

Damn : o that line up !

Oliver laying down the law!

Ah I get what your saying . Yeah now I agree that there are no instruments in nl 2 . No saveable patches . Just copy / paste lol

Yeah no nanoloop 1 bashing in any threads allowed ! Nl 1.3 will destroy your will to live an honest life .

What do you mean there are no instruments . Like no samples?. Any synth / drum / noise you make on the gameboy is considered an instrument in my book...

Yeah its a lot easier to make changes to your sounds in nl 2.x I would consider getting the newest version there's a pre-order on nanoloop.de. also there's a lot of sounds I make in nl 2.x that I can't make in nl for ios/android . Like synthesized PWM chords or fm chords or arpeggios ... I ffriggen love chords


Your gunna fucking love the cart version m8


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(38 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(38 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Is the dmg to gb pocket adapter gone ?


(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(329 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Lol noyzbot he means to sync analog ! tongue not to another gba . We just gotta wait for that prime mono cart . Then cross sync with some 2.7.9 and we got a deadly arsenal of sync !


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
