I plan on doing a small run of two sided PCBs based on Reiner Ziegler's Reader. I have redesigned the board in EagleCAD as a mostly SMT populated board, though some components have either option! I do not plan on supplying full kits, so part ordering will be up to you.
Piracy is bad, yadda-yadda, you may backups save files and ROMs for emulation if you wish. you all know the drill.
If you wish to throw some money into the pool and have a board sent your way, email me below or PM me:
Apple2ja*Cmich*edu (dots instead of asterisks).
Here are some pics, dimensions and a 3D render:

Some notes about the boards, I have decided to add vias if people want to use through-hole components rather than SMT components. This does not include the ICs because these components are too large to fit within my strict board limitations. The photos show no through-hole resistors, but I am adding them shortly.
Lets try not to add both version of said components, k? If you choose to use a ceramic resonator rather than an ordinary crystal oscillator, be sure to ignore the cap locations. If you choose to place an crystal oscillator, be sure to check the data sheet as to the capacitance of caps you will need.
Also note that the ICSP connector must be on the bottom of the board. After programming the Atmega8515, you may remove the ICSP connector since there will probably never be any updates.
I was also able to accommodate the board with the DMG-01 or pocket cartridge connector so it doesn't matter where you get it from!
Reiner Ziegler's site is here:
Within the US (lower 48):
Board only = $23.00 (shipped)
Complete and ready to go = $ 59.00 (shipped)
Add 23.95USD to any of the above options.
First 9 boards receives a free cartridge connector courtesy of katsumbhong.*
*Not including myself. Others may opt out if you have one.
ALSO NOTE: That we must order boards in multiples of ten! If ten people do not order a board, everyone gets reimbursed. if 12 people order board, the last two get reimbursed. Very sorry, but that is how it will work.