my 2 cats are pretty indifferent towards it
2 Mar 10, 2017 6:20 am
Topic: Rock Candy -- Rock Candy (2 replies, posted in Releases)
Hello all,
Rock Candy just released its debut EP. 5 LSDJ tracks written by DBOYD and Kommisar. Released on Madmilky Records.
Listen/Purchase the album right here
Please enjoy~
3 Feb 19, 2017 2:55 am
Re: CC: Using 2xLSDJ to Make Atmospheric Music (2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
I liked it! It feels very open and atmospheric, the noise channel work and arpeggios do well for that. Compositionally, it feels a little stagnant. It would've been cool to see those long, drawn out chords repurpose themselves in some way during the 2nd half. All things considered, nice work dude ^_^
4 Feb 1, 2017 6:18 pm
Re: Purist artists similar to Chipzel? (45 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm just throwin' these out there...
Slime Girls
Bubblegum Octopus
Vince Kaichan
Bit Shifter
Galaxy Wolf
Blitz Lunar
check out the labels Bleep Street, BasebitRecordings, Cheapbeats, Ubiktune, Madmilky, 8bitpeoples, in addition to this list:
in no particular order
Fighter X
Je Mappelle
Pain Perdu
Slime Girls
Cooshinator/Muzak Efron
seconding IAYDIMHO just listen to everything, regardless of genre, because it will open you up to new sounds and at this stage that's really important
edit: VVV oh yeah that reminds me, Abandoned On Fire!
Definitely agree w/ urbster about listening to everything regardless of genre (also ayyy thanks for the s/o ), which you'll notice the list I came up with has exactly that: a little bit of everything.
Finally, you know what... fuck it, shameless plug
5 Feb 1, 2017 2:14 am
Re: Game Gear Trackers? (23 replies, posted in Sega)
Why no Game Gear trackers out there? Seems with GG overdrive and GG backlight kits this handheld would be a prime candidate for some cool music software.
there is MOD2PSG, Deflemask, and the SN76489 mod of 0CC-Famitracker that Hertzdevil made. But even so, (echoing what catskill stated) the chip is extremely limited in its capabilities tho, so ehh.
6 Jan 28, 2017 7:27 pm
Topic: DBOYD - Paradise EP (8 replies, posted in Releases)
Hello all, it's been quite some time.
My new EP "Paradise" is now available on Galaxy Swim Team. 5 new dance/pop tracks all written in LSDJ 4.6.9 w/ custom kits.
Cassettes are also available for pre-order and will be shipping at around Feb 20th or so, and will include some bonus goodies.
You can find the album RIGHT HERE!
Please enjoy.
-Thank You!-
7 Aug 31, 2016 9:41 pm
Re: [US] Cincinnati OH • 2016 09 02-04 • BRKFEST 2016 @ Chameleon (3 replies, posted in Past Events)
Lineup is incredible, if you're near Cinci then just fucking go. I wish I could ;___;
8 Aug 15, 2016 3:28 pm
Re: How'd you get here? (43 replies, posted in General Discussion)
-College kid entering Junior year, 2010
-Finally switch majors from Music Performance on Trumpet to Music Composition
-Discover what chiptune is and 8bc, fall in love w/ Anamanaguchi, Fighter X, IAYD, Rushjet1, Je Mappelle, etc.
-Still focus on writing instrument music (piano, WW/String quintet, Brass)
-2012, Senior, finally say "fuck it" and write a song for me because at this point I've fallen so in love w/ chiptune that I can't get out
-Finally graduate in Spring 2013
-Play first show out of school, Oct. 2013, adopt the name Don't Blink Or You'll Die (DBOYD)
-Release first EP in 2013
-Still writing to this day, releasing like 3 albums soon lmao
in a nutshell.
9 Jun 23, 2016 7:30 am
Re: What are you listening to right now? (59 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Sleigh Bells - Infinity Guitars. From their album "Treats"
10 May 26, 2016 11:54 pm
Re: // ROCHESTER CHIP FEST // 45 minute live concert film (6 replies, posted in Releases)
So many inspiring performances, damn!
11 Apr 25, 2016 3:43 am
Re: PLAYING TOURIST FOREVER :: STRAWBERRY (4 replies, posted in Releases)
I absolutely love this. Right up my alley, great tunes.
12 Apr 17, 2016 3:33 am
Re: All-Time favourite Chiptunes! (108 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Oh I love these threads! Here are a few of mine.
Title: Blueshift Galaxy
Artist: HertzDevil
Released: 2014
Chip: Ricoh 2A03+FDS
Title: Elevate Me Sooner
Artist: dw-
Released: 2014
(Also I did a cover of this once upon a time hehe) … ner/13449/
Also +1 to HimsyPimsy's post about chibi-tech's Moe Moe Kyunstep pt.2
Title: Born, Dancing
Artist: Roboctopus
Released: 2014 (I think)
Chip: GB z80
I could go on and on and on but I'll stop here for now.
13 Apr 11, 2016 2:43 am
Re: 3/4 Timing with just Groove? (16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Yeah, I'm also confused. Messing with groove affects swing, but you're talking about time signatures? Just use the H command and make life easy.
This. Also you can use Groove like you would the F cmnd in Famitracker, to control the speed, which is generally what I do. but yeah just use H in your phrase for 3/4 time, so much easier.
14 Apr 9, 2016 8:44 pm
Re: Je Mappelle - GAMEBOY MUSIC (2013 - 2015) (11 replies, posted in Releases)
Godlike as always, thank you, please never stop
15 Apr 5, 2016 4:31 am
Re: Little Sound Assembly III - Evansville, IN Aug 26-27 Presales Now Up! (9 replies, posted in Past Events)
16 Mar 30, 2016 6:23 pm
Re: Skybox - Stardust EP (11 replies, posted in Releases)
this is an amazing release, congrats again dude