Jazzmarazz wrote:

The utility you want is RGBDS.
Follow this:
http://cratel.wichita.edu/cratel/ECE238 … oyDevSetup
If you're on Windows Vista or above, I'll help you edit the batch file to have the compiler work. Let me know when you're that far in the setup.

Gawd I loathe High-level languages. gbz80ASM FTW!

Thanks man!

I'm on windows 7 (bootcamp.. I have mac osx 10.7 as well, but thought this would be easier), and I've come to the compiling process now which gives me this in the command prompt:

F:\gameboy\rgbds\assemble hello-world-with-comments
'command' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Output filename hello-world-with-comments.obj
Assembling hello-world-with-comments.asm
Pass 1...
Pass 2...
Success! 3481 lines in 0.05 seconds <4016538 lines/minutes>

***ERROR: Unable to open file

RGBFix v1.02 <part of ASMotor 1.10>

Usage: rgbfix [options] image[.gb]
////////// And then some options follow....

So you're saying that it's possible to change something in the .bat file for this to work on windows 7?
Else I could probably get windows xp for parallels desktop..


In order to write and compile assembly code; is there a tutorial or description somewhere describing this ? What kind of software ? Sublime text eg?

This site (http://gameboy.mongenel.com/tools.html) links to WLA DX as a tool, but the source files seem to be missing: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wladx/f … rce=navbar



As the title says, when I'm linking my GBA (with nanoloop 1.6) to my Micro (nanoloop 2.6) (through a Micro link-cable with a micro link cable converter), the GBA is making an insane amount of noise.. so much that's it's pretty much useless.

Does anyone know what might be causing this ?



Let me rephrase that: I'd like to know if anyone knows anything about this - wether it's a wellknown or obvious issue or not.
Is it normal that the link establishment between a GBA and a micro would cause extra unwanted noise? No?

66 has viewed this topic as of now, and I'm wondering why no one has anything to say on this :-)

thursdaycustoms wrote:

It's not a stupid question. That's some elaborate wire for what you're doing! The RCA jacks will have the metal flanges that go under the nut like elongated washers. You want those connected together and then wired to ground. I would get some much thinner wire if I were you though. I use 30AWG solid core. It's very nice for fitting in a Game Boy. Just use some hot glue so they don't break off when you go to close it.

Thank you very much!

I went ahead and hooked the RCA's up with thinner wire like you said, and it's working like a charm.
The only weird thing is, that my normal minijack output now only has one channel working. No sound in the other. Hmm.. is this an ordinary thing, or did I screw something up?


OK so I tried making the RCAs on another dmg as well, and this time the minijack out is working fine. So apparently something went wrong with the first attempt.

Hmm, okay I just realized how stupid this question is.

Wiring all 3 shields to GND would just be cake on cake on cake, and make no sense.
I need other cables... Just delete this thread, please


This might be a very stupid question - I'm sorry!

I've bought everything for making the RCA mod which hopefully will result in some more bass.

The thing is, the 3 cables in my ribbon cable each have their own shield.

So if I were to just go ahead and do this, I would probably just wire all 3 shields to GND on both the gameboy and the RCA's.

This guy however tells not to wire the cable to GND on the side of the cable that goes to output: http://lowgain-audio.com/GBclassicmod.htm
However, that is perhaps another mod - and perhaps I'm just mixing things up.

Here's a picture of my lovely mega-shield-cable:

Should I wire all 3 shields together to GND or just one of them - and then which one?



(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool! Thank you for your replies :-)

I'd like to buy nanoloop 1.6.

Do you want to ship to Denmark?

You can write me an e-mail at: mail AT sorenandreasen DOT com



(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

sandneil wrote:

i have one but i dont know how much its worth or what is shipping for it. and i dont have the little cable for it

Where are you located? I'll pay you whatever the shipping plus 35 euros.

By "little cable" I suppose you mean the usb adapter? I already have one, so that's no problem.



(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yeh.. I found one from Mexico on Ebay but it's 80 usd!!! that's just ridicules


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

As the title says smile
I'm in Denmark, but I'll pay shipping from wherever you are.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hello to you all,

I've been searching for a way to link a DMG and a GBA - for use with nanoloop+nanoloop and lsd+nanoloop.

Is it possible to simply make a custom cable by merging a gba cable and a dmg cable together, or do I need some kind of adapter that I don't know of?



(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

wauw! this was really inspiring. congrats on the success