kitsch to the rescue! big_smile

i had a similar problem a while back.

i may be wrong, but if i remember correctly, open the command.bat file in a text editor (notepad, for example), and change the word "command" into "cmd".

you may be having a different problem, though.


(13 replies, posted in Past Events)

i really want to put a show together, so if you're down to drive to seattle, i think you'd make a fine addition to the lineup!

'Put To Sea': that instrument with the reverse E command is a little bit too much, imo. when the change at 0:33 or so, it doesn't really make sense at first, maybe change the notation a little to cohere with the respective chord a little better? i really like the 'break' in the middle. i can tell that you're not using the latest version of LSDJ, because the WAV kits are little noisy, but i use an older version as well, because for some reason, i like the kit noise. overall, nice solid track. the ending was a little off-putting, to be completely honest. my favorite of the two tracks.

'Whiner WIP': like folks before me have said, this is nice and upbeat. i'm not a huge fan of the sounds made by a gameboy in higher registers (anything above C7 or so becomes a little obnoxious to me when used liberally), but that's just my opinion. i like the groove/beat of the track, and the general feel. if you do decide to make it longer and turn it into a full track, make sure you put in some sort of melody or other changing part, otherwise i think it'll get really repetitive, really fast.

hope this helps, you have some really solid first tracks!


(7 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

sqj is a lot of fun, i'm running it on a gba emulator, and i'm having some cool ideas with it. and, thanks for the button combinations!

hi, i'm not really that new. i used to post as 'basspuddle', but i finally decided to make a new account that matched my artist name. (better late than never)