
(18 replies, posted in Releases)

danimal cannon wrote:

I just want to say I read Jredd as Judge Dredd

Dudge Jredd?


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nuby plz


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

not always

i signed kitch's copy cause it's the chip year book


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ant1 wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

it doesn't seem to be working with the version of firefox /greasemonkey i've got on this computer. works fine on chrome on my netbook though.

that is weird, i don't know why it wouldn't work

i use scriptish for firefox but i can understand if you dont want to change (even though they should be compatible)

i'll try that, i only installed greasemonkey for this particular script, so it won't make a difference for me


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

it doesn't seem to be working with the version of firefox /greasemonkey i've got on this computer. works fine on chrome on my netbook though.


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also why is this extension allowed to access my data on all websites


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PolarBirds wrote:

I don't really belive in censoreship just because a user happend to post something which did not appeal to you.

you shouldn't use a loaded word like censorship if you're going to use it incorrectly (or spell it incorrectly). censorship isn't a personal choice, it's made by other people. for example:

keeping a story out of the news: censorship
not watching the news: not censorship

this is a person by person option to opt-out of having to read shitty users' posts in a thread. it isn't keeping people from posting. do you know who else used to use loaded phrases on the internet to blow things out of proportion? HITLER.

Jake Allison wrote:

introducing CM.O ECHO-CHAMBER v1.0!

Only see opinions that you agree with! Never again be confronted by pesky "new ideas"!

spot on

no it's not.

ant1 wrote:

sorry but a picture of a hedgehog is not a "new idea" in a thread about chipmusic


ant1 wrote:

surely you realise the difference between talking to a few friends on skype, and using chipmusic.org exactly as it is now but without hedgehog photographs

it's kind of crazy that it took 2 1/2 years for one annoying as fuck user to drive someone to create this script. and i think it's a much... healthier? option than this:

Je Mappelle wrote:

Really, if you want to fix this, cry out to your mods. Tell them about the people you don't like, do it via PM, provide them with some information on why and I'm sure if the reason is good enough they will warn whichever user.

Because 1) the mods already know. trust me. The mods use this site just like the rest of us, and they get annoyed by annoying as fuck posters just like the rest of us. The users might have already gotten warnings for all we know. But then again, I'm a dick on here (albeit, with a purpose) and no one's warned me.

But really, 2) taking action against a shitty member is much closer to censorship than just ignoring a member. I would love to see some members banned for acting like retards. But in my heart I know that's not right. So I'll be quietly ignoring them using this script instead.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sorry but i'm about to make  yall look like a bunch of dumb little kids


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Russellian wrote:
SketchMan3 wrote:

I can personally attest to the fact that directly PMing a person about a conflict helps a whole lot more than airing dirty laundry out in public.

i'd say sometimes it's okay in some cases, like to warn other people from working with a shady person.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Russellian wrote:

I can't really take you guys seriously when people like Je Mapp, Swimm, Saskrotch, etc. post a bunch of ridiculous shit and it's seen as comedic gold/given a pass because they contribute to the community or have been here for a while. It's like "We can post random bullshit, but you new people?...yeah, fuck off." I mean, I like their ridiculous posts, just not the fact that everyone bitches about when other people do the same. Double standards and shit, bro.

I've started 4 threads i'd consider "off-topic" since 2010. I don't come here to post buillshit, but when someone starts a thread that could've been solved with any kind of search (be it forum, google or youtube), I'll let them know that they're dumb and lazy in the funniest way I can think of. I don't start shit, but I do what I can to finish it.


(98 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://ucollective.org/images/Alexpowrs … te+%3A%29/
http://ucollective.org/images/FotonCat/ … +commando/

you don't even have to go digging for this stuff guys it's on the front page

EvilWezil wrote:

8bc was the troll outlet the internet deserved... but not the one it needed...?

8bc was a lightning rod for retards. now they all come here.

i keep saying this is why we needed 8bc


(75 replies, posted in Releases)

just an update if you haven't followed or liked handheld heroes, the original test copies got lost in the mail. had to order more. then once those were okay, had to order the huge batch to mail out, which FINALLY got here yesterday. copies are now being sent out, around 4-5 a day. sorry for the delay, life is shitty and so forth.

johan isn't a scam artist. also is this "Man with the credit card" super cheap? LSDJ is only like 2 bucks, it seems like it would be more expensive to cancel it.