(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jay Tholen wrote:

Don't be ridiculous. Most children at the age of 6 are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD whether they actually have it or not. It is natural for all children to display the qualities of ADHD because they are bored easily and have lots of energy.

Giving up on things is a symptom of depression.

There are various forms of ADHD - not all of them manifest in the same way.  While I agree that it's over-diagnosed, that doesn't negate the reality of it.

I agree, I don't mean to imply that it is a fake condition. Surely it does exist, but it has been exaggerated, and the medications have been seen to ruin lives.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defPREMIUM wrote:

who the fuck are you

no i don't fucking care whether you are right or not
i care about the op and the fact that he is, whether he wanted it or not, receiving medical advice from people with who knows what qualifications
cm.o is not a good place to debate medical issues
fuck off

You are an enemy of free discussion. I cannot respect the likes of you.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defPREMIUM wrote:

it is not a good idea for people to be giving medical advice or opinions on this thread

If I have an argument, I am going to make it. If you think said argument is incorrect, you can present your evidence to the contrary. That is how intelligent debate works. If you consider it wrong to do that, then I seriously question the rationality of your thinking.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sandneil wrote:

maybe prematurely giving up is  a symptom of the adhd and a sign that the new medicine is less effective at dealing with your adhd than the last one? speak to your doctor about imo

Don't be ridiculous. Most children at the age of 6 are diagnosed with ADD/ADHD whether they actually have it or not. It is natural for all children to display the qualities of ADHD because they are bored easily and have lots of energy.

Giving up on things is a symptom of depression.


(95 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think the fact that you were drugged in the first place is truly tragic. If you were on ritalin from such a young age, you surely must have suffered developmental brain damage from such a highly addictive medication. And now you're on anti-depressants, which are even worse... Withdrawals from anti-depressants have been the cause of many suicides, and sometimes even murders.

You're in a never ending cycle of drug reliance, and I have huge sympathy for your situation. Also college is not for everyone, so depending on what your goals are professionally, it may or may not be a good idea for you.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

i'm with tss, not hard to ask (maaaaybe if it's an obscure/ancient demoscene alias) and there's no real reason not to even if you don't necessarily have to. it's polite yea? and it does seem weird (dunno if i'd say shady) if you're silently putting thousands of things you didn't make on youtube and putting your own logo on it y'know?

whatevs, i'm not super vehement about this anyway haha

There is something more to this than what we've come to see in this thread. At some point, one of these people decided to be contentious, and then the resulting drama came. By the looks of it now, both parties are overreacting, which is the worst case scenario.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The purpose of an intelligent debate is for truth to prevail. This thread has been a discussion of several related topics, as well as the exchange between these two individuals. Because not all parties were willing to approach things intelligently, this is the result. It is unfortunate that such incompetence must present itself in every area of life, even the ones we're supposed to unwind in and share enthusiasm for (like music).

I will not take a side in this conflict, because I feel that both parties could be handling it better.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

tempsoundsolutions wrote:

the way i see it, he never offered this up and had a huge amount of material there. why do that? why not promote it? because he didnt want people to know? its shady. he never made it known that he even had this channel on this forum or anywhere else from what i can tell, so its kind of shady and obsessive and shady creepy after talking to this guy, he gives me a pretty shady vibe. speaking of shady, looks like he removed a substantial amount of people's music like he said he would, probably because he knows he did something wrong...even though he's still rambling on like a robot in my inbox saying he doesnt think he did anything wrong. he said my complaining was analogous to him giving a copy of my music to one of his friends, instead of directing them to a website. instead, its more like putting a copy of his entire music collection online for all of his friends, because thats what it was, was it not? ahaha. dont answer that! let this thread sink to the bottom or close this shit.

anyway, im out. cristian, you're a weird jerk. ask people from now on if you're going to run your channel. this is chipmusic, theres no reason for you to have a channel like that and not ask people for submissions.

Sorry, this is where I have to put my foot down.

First of all, your implication that his practices are "shady" because he doesn't advertise his channel? Are you seriously saying something so ridiculous? Did you miss the part where he profits nothing from his channel? He doesn't make money from it, so there is no "shady" objective to be sought by not asking the artists, he himself stated that many of the artists simply don't reply back, which seems like a fair reason. Most people wouldn't have all the time in the world to ask artists if they could share their creations.

Secondly, it's becoming clear at this point that you are more worked up over this than qb is. You're basically insulting him in a variety of ways, just because he has a different opinion than you and chooses to keep it. You are the one who is bringing this thread down. Everyone else was much less emotionally invested compared to you.

"ask people from now on if you're going to run your channel"? He has no obligation, morally or otherwise, to do that.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sandneil wrote:
jefftheworld wrote:

...forcing it on those who do not wish to conform ... force your beliefs on someone...

its interesting who you percieve to be doing this in these situations

This actually strikes at the heart of the issue on a philosophical level. The idea of the initiation of force against other people as being wrong is a valid moral concept, because it's consistent and safe. So the key to solving this problem is, which party is *initiating* the use of force against another party. Is it force to pirate works? Is it force to upload works without permission? Is it force to refuse to remove said works when asked? Is it force to respond to any of these things aggressively?

It's a matter of who started it. We must find where the first trigger was pulled, then we can determine the moral case.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sandneil wrote:

i know what happened & its irrelevant "how much" they used. unless you hate also all artists who used the amen break in their songs? no, you dont, because soul music isnt Your Scene.

likewise you dont hate all people who uploads songs to youtube. only when its Your Songs.  and maybe you even think copyright law is really cool, until nintendo tries to get Your Flash Carts banned in the EU, until the guy who made the miles davis comp gets sued by miles davis' photographer

im just t rying to highlight the victim complex that chip music has. isnt it a little naive to suppose that "we" are all on the right side of the law all the time & that it only serves to protect us from the CRIMINALS intent on destroying our scene & PARASITES who exist only to profit from our hard work?

what is the reasoning here? you want a monopoly on distribution of your own music? people can only get it DIRECT FROM THE SOURCE? why? what benefit is there to have things taken off youtube

theres an album on temp sounds solutions bandcamp called "remixes volume 12". is there not some contradiction to make twelve albums of bootleg remixes and then cry wolf when someone puts your freely released music on youtube?

Food for thought.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just to clarify, are these private messages of his that you are posting on here? If so, then did he give consent to having his private discussion exposed to the public? I just want to make sure that this stays civil.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:


The thing I hate about this situation is that copyright laws are so ridiculously malleable.

Seems more like you are enjoying this aspect of it, to me. tongue

Part (most?) of the issue is about courtesy and communication and the fact that it's SO easy to contact artists in the chipmusic scene nowadays. The community is so tightly knit and open in communication between artists and fans alike.

I'm not even going to go into the matter of that "profiting on other's work" bit. :\

As far as "taking action" is concerned, I wouldn't really consider asking someone to take your stuff down or letting them know that they really should contact the original content creators as "taking action against someone". That phrase is so inflammatory it's not even funny. :\

Maybe I'm alone on the idea that people profiting on derivative works doesn't sound like a bad thing.

Nobody is saying that. Once again, it's about communication and courtesy and not being lazy/perpetuating laziness.

Me personally? I still don't mind if people share my music with whoever, but now that I've come to find out that something of mine has actually been broadcast to an audience as opposed to, say, file-sharing, I can't help but feel slighted that nobody sent me a message or anything. It was exciting to see that somebody liked my junk enough to want to share it with a general audience, but once you get over that green excitement (which a lot of confident established mature artists probably have, maybe [not to say an artist grows out of the excitement of having someone appreciate their output[), the fact that they didn't take the time to say anything about it leaves just a tiny bit of a feeling of emptiness left behind. This is just my personal thought.

Edit: shoot. I didn't mean to type all that...

I'm all for courtesy. I agree on that front. Apologies if my points are reaching further into the issue than what is actually present. I'm just very used to seeing intense arguments regarding piracy, copyrights, and intellectual property.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SketchMan3 wrote:

I'm with TSS on this one. Whether you like the idea or not, it's the creator's right to have a say in what happens with his/her content if he so chooses to speak, and it is only polite and courteous, if you have any respect for the content creator, to contact them and see what he/she has to say, regardless of your so-called (most likely mistaken) "right" to host their content. Even if it's in such a roundabout way as to post a radio playlist in a chipmusic.org thread... >_>

The thing I hate about this situation is that copyright laws are so ridiculously malleable. You can basically tailor a situation to fit your preferences no matter how justified you actually are. Now, this is obviously a subject for heated debate, but I feel that it is much worse to take action against somebody who has something to gain from your work, rather than it is for them to gain something from your work without your permission. Maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm alone on the idea that people profiting on derivative works doesn't sound like a bad thing.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

On a philosophical level, I am personally opposed to the entire legal concept of intellectual property. However, it is understandable that if somebody creates value and wishes to profit from it, then they have every right to monetize the value that they generate.

If this youtube channel does not profit money from these songs, then it profits viewers and subscribers instead, which effectively trickles down to giving the music creators more traffic at the end of the day.

It is a matter of philosophy, and you're welcome to disagree, but I don't see anything wrong here.


(100 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm quite familiar with that channel. It introduced me to a few nice pieces of work. I couldn't tell you who it is, though. I can only vouch for one particular channel dedicated to sharing chip music, and it's not this one.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I know RainbowDragonEyes has been mentioned before, at least once, but he's my favorite artist so I've just got to extend my recommendation.

On a side note, are there any artists with a similar style to him? I'd sure be interested to know. I can't get enough of those melodies.