this is not tech support for other forums.
we don't really care if 8bc/myspace/facebook/twitter is having issues.
if you want to figure out things like this i would suggest #8bc.
closing thread is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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this is not tech support for other forums.
we don't really care if 8bc/myspace/facebook/twitter is having issues.
if you want to figure out things like this i would suggest #8bc.
closing thread
not really sure if i am interested in promoting my self honestly.
this is my hobby and i have a full time job wife and child on the way so time i knid of a precious commodity for me.
what i have done is intercepted dead catfish with cd-rs taped to them that were sent to the stars (madonna, r kelly etc) removed the taped cd-rs with my own and repackaged them. that resulted in more hits then wearing a three wolf tshirt into wall mart. unfortunately the wife became tired of all the limousines parking in front and smashing the iris' and how the stars would never replace the toliet paper when roll when they used the last bit. so it had to end.
akira^8GB wrote:Seems like the KRK Rokits are being widespread among us... I may be considering getting a pair but am not sure 100%
KRK's are over bassy, don't get them if you want accuracy.
They are perfect for cheap decent ear candy though.
for the price and for what i do with them i can't really complain. but they are definitely not super stellar. i also don't have them located in a good place. they're way to close to the walls in a corners. but i know how they sound and i'm used to the room so it works out for me.
akira^8GB wrote:I want a good dynamic range and the FLATTEST sound possible.
Then you need a well acoustically treated room with good proportions to begin with. Otherwise it won't matter what monitors you put up.
this is very important and totally ignored by me. i just don't have the time / money / time to get it set up correctly right now.
Teenage Engineering’s OP-1 Instrument: Hands-on, Videos, Why it’s Different
Create Digital Music has a great write up on it as well.
mmm. i might just start saving now.
hmm interesting. built in 4 track recorder.
You have twelve minutes recording time in normal tape speed
not a lot but plenty for most stuff. more info on this would be nice.
can i bounce three tracks into a fourth?
the sampler portion looks pretty interesting.
again more info would nice.
sample time. do longer / bigger samples use up avaible memory for the four track. things like that.
its looking pretty cool but the price is the sticking point in my mind. hopefully its around 500 or so.
That looks pretty great. I'd like to suggest that all the choices be unchecked by default so you have to actively choose to allow comments, thumbs, etc.
i like how they're checked.
i like getting comments and think that people should be able to comment on each others work.
if you don't want comments you should have to remember to uncheck them.
akira^8GB wrote:Seems like the KRK Rokits are being widespread among us... I may be considering getting a pair but am not sure 100%
I'd recommend testing a pair out if at all possible, if you want more bass extension get the 6's (or 8's!) - lately mine seem to have loosened up a little but when I first got them I wasn't as impressed as the reviews suggested I would be.
Then again, chipmusic sounds great on them
i have the 8's and i'm pretty happy with them.
a big part of that is that when i bought them instead of buy one get one 1/2 price the idiots at guitar center gave me 1/2 off each one.
that was cool
looks fancy
its pretty damn nifty
a ton of compression on the gameboy. at least 50% (2:1)
noise gate set as sensitive as it will go with a quick release.
on the channels with the gameboy i'll usally boost the bass and turn down the highs.
this gives nanovoice some pop and helps control the how noisey it is.
i had a RNLA on my main inserts and i really liked it but it was borrowed and i don't have it any more.
Double points if it's not your car
4x points for a picture of one on a police car
already a thread about this lator-pro/
closing thread.
and yah i'm not impressed either.
hi mom!
according to the guide
this should have bullets in front of it
but instead it show up like this
Works fine with letters
and with numbers
KAOSS X-Y touchpad offers intuitive, realtime control
200 sounds covering modern synth sounds such as lead and bass, and diverse acoustic sounds from piano to trumpet and beyond
PCM samples provide dramatic drum kits and ready to rock percussion patterns
Vocoder programs deliver scintillating vocal effects
Access up to eight of your favorite sounds instantly using the assignable Program Memory buttons
Loop Recording can layer both internal Program sounds and external audio overdubs
Four Loop Record Banks each allow up to four measures of loop recording, with easy muting that allows expressive realtime layering and DJ-Style re-mixing –ideal for live performance.
Gate Arpeggiator repeatedly triggers sounds in sync with the tempo. The slider controls either the gate time or gate speed.
Choose a key and select one of 31 musical scales to easily create musical phrases. Limit the X-Y pad's note range for even more control
Loop data, user settings and Program Memories can be stored on SD card
Dedicated software lets you manage loop data, MIDI assignments, and user settings from your computer
Performs double-duty as a MIDI controller for external equipment or software application
pretty on the fence about this thing. a kp4 would have been great but this. meehhh / Forums / Posts by infradead