402 Jan 8, 2010 5:06 am
Re: Amiga gaming. (16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Action: Jetstrike
Adventure: Heimdall II
Platformers: Super Putty, Rick Dangerous, Flood, Zool, Shadow of the Beast, Gods
Racing: Skidmarks 2, Warmup
Weird 3d quasi simulation action? Zeewolf 1 and 2
Soccer: Sensible Soccer (best game ever)
I can't remember any other games I used to play for now. Check those out yo!
403 Jan 8, 2010 3:46 am
Re: Amiga/C64, you need help? (131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
What a generous offer! And from one of my favourite artists no less.
I just bought one of these
Had any experience with a MIDIbox SID before? This is essentially a much easier kit to assemble and doesn't need a C64 power supply to drive it.
I'm interested in how one would create patches PC side. I know that you can upload patches to the 4 soundbanks (128 patches per bank). Is there an editor available for PC that I can tweak out parameters and get a soft preview before I upload the patches? Or is there a way to convert instument files from a c64 tracker to a Sysex file or something?
Sorry if this is outside the scope of your offer or knowledge.
http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_ed.html check this out. I've been using it to edit patches on my midibox. It's not terrible.