(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Love it, the drums are awesome!

Most of my songs are 1-3 minutes, but sometimes I'll write a 6 minute track that will stay in the depths of my cart forever


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Cheers! Means a lot to hear that!

onapokoya wrote:

Nice one mate!


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

This is my first small release, its a collection of three of my favourite tracks that I've written so far! Its up pay what you want on my bandcamp!

My music has been described as 'Bouncin' happy old school happy hyper chip' so I'm going to stick with that as the tag for it!

Any and all feedback is welcomed and appreciated!



Sounds pretty solid so far! Much love from England up early!

Awesome work! Definitely should do some shows together at some point!


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm thinking about putting on a show in the Portsmouth/Southampton area May/June time (or even earlier than that) and would like to know if anyone would be interested in playing?

I know its a long way for some people but I'm trying to kick start some more shows in this area!

Feel free to PM me or just post in here!



(46 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Enter Shikari - Common Dreads
Heights - Dead Ends
Feed Me - Calamari Tuesday


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)

AndrewKilpatrick wrote:

Alex Kelly and I (we do this this and this) have been thinking about doing something like this for aeons, so count us the fuck in. Also I'm SOOO down for some sort of chip meet n greet too!! (I'm staying in Portsmouth on me own over Easter to get uni work done so I'd appreciate the company :'( ~sob story #12)

Send me a PM about what your schedule is I'm sure I could find time to discuss such things!


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Plus, we'd need some kind of decent live footage to at least prove it'd be worth their time. Gigged around enough in southampton to know they're tentative enough booking a funk band, let alone an evening of beeps.

I know exactly what you mean.. I sent out a million emails this morning to venues!

I really feel like starting a south coast promotions company this summer?
Anyone in?


(67 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Evil Scientist wrote:

Going to start putting on some chip gigs in Bristol. They'll be free entry but the bar should be able to contribute toward travel costs, if anyone's interested in playing let me know smile


New tut for V5 please!

Was so awesome more events like this pls

Dire Hit wrote:

Listened to light tears, you've got some good things going. This is advice people give a lot, but volume control really goes a long way. Turning down your pulse and noise instruments would really help the kick stand out, because right now it's pretty tough to hear.

Awesome thank you! Nice to hear I'm doing something right smile

I've always found Kitsch to be very quick when posting to the UK especially if its just components!

Cheers guys for all the thoughts! I've been meaning to get a planner for ages so it seems that'll be what I need to do!