(8 replies, posted in Releases)

This is fantastic. Do you guys do the visuals as well?


(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is awesome! Great idea!


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)


chunter wrote:
syobonaction wrote:

Kinda weird that he was chasing around a 10-ish year old?

inb4 she's not 10.

Sry I meant 8.


(8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

sleepytimejesse wrote:

Hey if anyone is interested I made a .ftm template with a bunch of really versatile instruments pre-loaded into it. Some made by me but a lot ripped from other .ftms I liked. Can send to whoever it might help out.

I'm definitely up for it too!
I'll pm you as well smile


(8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

PleaseLoseBattle wrote:

It seems that you've already grasped non only the basics but also the principal functionnalities. Your tests are very nice.
I don't feel like I can give you any advice because I'm not much skilled at FT (like virt or kfaraday for example), but practice should keep you moving forward.

Some things you could try :
- visit the Famitracker forums if you want to dig deeper in it.
- download the .ftm of famitracker artists you like, I find that looking at someone else's (especially a skilled one's) way of composing and using commands helps a lot.

Anyway, keep up the good job.

Thanks so much. I will definitely check out the FT forums. Good call on getting .ftms too! big_smile

herr_prof wrote:

Lol at someone complaining about a black guy stealing someones culture.

Hahaha I was thinking the same thing. heart

I love m7kenji.
The video was pretty interesting.
Kinda weird that he was chasing around a 10-ish year old?


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi! I'm Charles from the U.S.
I've been a lover of game music since I've been playing them on NES. Notable games being TMNT, Batman, Castlevania, and Goonies 2. Always had those tunes running through my mind as a kid. I've been interested in chiptune since that whole gameboy music explosion went down in the UK. Got more interested in Japanese chiptune artists over time (kplecraft, prof. skmt, hally, robokabuto, etc..) and now I'd really love to make my own.


(8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Hey everyone. I think this might be my first post. Anyways, I just started really messing with Famitracker. I've messed with it a bit before, but never really spent much time with it. Here is something I made recently just to get the hang of everything.


I know it's not put together all too well, but how is it for a start? Anything you can recommend? Seriously anything.
I'd really like to dive straight in and learn as much as I can about producing music in Famitracker. It would be cool to learn the intricacies of the 2A03 and VRC6 chips and synthesis as well. Anyways, any awesome specific resource recommendations you have would be fantastic too.

Thanks a bunch!