All OEM extended life batteries have been having cell explosion issues in the past 2 years or so. Regular batteries seem to be holding out okay. I have a spare OEM slim battery if you need a slim one. Works fine smile

katsumbhong wrote:

Contact the artists?

e.s.c. has. Perhaps we can get either
a) the original artists to release their own .sav or .lsdjsng
b) permission to extract individual .lsdjsng's from the .sav and release them seperately or one small collective save

Fumu still has the cart and wants it backed up. He lacks a proper flasher though. Any chance someone could loan him one? He and I discussed this a few months back.


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What DAW are you trying to use with it?

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Anyone mention Narwhalz of Sound yet?

This guy and TheGhostServant need to collaborate. Like oh my gosh.


(34 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have thought about such a thing rather intensely - working on a themed game that features tons of variations on 12-bar blues, where basslines, chord progressions, and drum patterns change based on location and scenarios in the game world, while melodic content was related to "spotlight" characters.

I think that such a thing is possible, given it wouldn't be easy.


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8BitStellar wrote:

I've decided to go do something about it. I have pretty much ripped myself a new one committing treachery amongst the people of this community. As of now, I am making my own tracks, without using other people's work to claim as my own.

I am giving back what was not mine to begin with; taking the lesson of being an asshat, a digital thief, and a compulsive liar. What I did was in my opinion, unforgivable.

How to make it up to y'all i do not know. But we all make mistakes and I wish to be given a second chance to redeem myself and what little reputation I have in this community.

Excited to hear your material! smile


(5 replies, posted in Sega)

Have you ever tried writing for the Sega Genesis? Do you know which sound driver you would want to use?

You would probably be better off asking this somewhere like spritesmind or sonicretro rather than here, I think hmm

Birthright, outright.

roboctopus wrote:
MaxDolensky wrote:

Excited to see all the ass that'll be showing up.

Going to try and get an afterparty slot :3

Gonna be open mic too!

But I have a whole EP that's 1 song away from being doneeeeeee

Excited to see all the ass that'll be showing up.

Going to try and get an afterparty slot :3


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Got your PM, will post results in the thread once we troubleshoot for a bit via messaging.

By the way, I'm working on a Gameboy MIDI for Dummies PDF. It'll be pretty big, I think, but hopefully hella informative.

I for one would be extremely interested in seeing some or any of the source code, since Gameboy homebrew games that aren't a block-stacking game as of recently are a bit uncommon. Very interested in your approach to GBDK. smile


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Pictures and price would do you a world of good.


(11 replies, posted in Audio Production) … e-geometry

Give this a peek and when you do mixing and mastering this would be an EXCELLENT reference smile


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

gr3yh4m3 wrote:

hey guys, also a newb, just wondering what Arduino boy is used for? Is it kind of like a port to plug dmg's + midi instruments into, to go specifically to a DAW or something like that?