rvan wrote:
friendofmegaman wrote:

Quick update on PS3 Eye capture. The cam itself is awesome! Captures video insanely fast with real good quality. But here's how it captures biverted DMG:

You'll need a macro lens.  You could try the kind of adapter designed for smartphone cameras, like this one.

Oh, interesting, definitely gonna try that!

Quick update on PS3 Eye capture. The cam itself is awesome! Captures video insanely fast with real good quality. But here's how it captures biverted DMG:

So, another dead end.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

killedatschool wrote:

I think it's the best clear boy design I've seen so far...


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In other words for GBC we need to 'hijack' the grounded part of button switch. So we solder one wire one leg of a tactile switch to the non-grounded half and another to ground?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

How about this one?


It looks almost compatible, but requires -23V and -13V The latter is not a problem especially for pocket, were do we get -23?


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2009/07/22 … ge-ranges/


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dadibom wrote:
friendofmegaman wrote:

Have you seen ThursdayCustom's post above?

Yeah but it's just a button pcb so I see no reason why it wouldn't work with any pcb? yikes

Well, even if it can be done, I frankly don't want to spend $11 for each mod of this kind, so I'd go with some cheaper option. One option would be cutting the piece of plastic to fit the button area of DMG and put tactile switches and wire them directly to GBC buttons... it's just a rough estimate I need to check with GBC schematic...


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dadibom wrote:

The button pcb from kitsch perhaps? Gbc is just one pcb

Have you seen ThursdayCustom's post above?


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Fudgers wrote:

a classic "worst of both worlds" situation

Pray explain


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Dadibom wrote:
friendofmegaman wrote:

Or better yet - put GBC in DMG shell. It's colorful, some people (including me) like its sound better + all the points above.

And you can replace the contrast wheel with the front light brightness adjustment wheel - thus even the jacks are correctly labeled.

Has anyone done that? I've searched like crazy but found nothing

I haven't seen it either. But there's alway first time smile

The only thing I don't understand right now, but I hope it's a trivial thing is what's the best way to wire the buttons. My guess - cut a piece off front PCB and... bugger, I've no idea what then


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Or better yet - put GBC in DMG shell. It's colorful, some people (including me) like its sound better + all the points above.

And you can replace the contrast wheel with the front light brightness adjustment wheel - thus even the jacks are correctly labeled.

The latter is actually the reason why I don't like to putting SP into DMG. All these holes (contrast, link port etc) are different and it's obvious that the shell was not made for it...

However I'm not sure GBC link port is the same dimensions as DMG port, so maybe it's no a good idea after all... I need to get home to check all that.

FIY I'm writing it down because I'm procrastinating. In reality I have shit load to do sad


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:

I gotta say definitely don't do that, even if it was possible. The MGB is not as powerful, if you're doing anything slightly heavy duty in your tracks, it'll crash really easily. (I had a thing for pockets and quickly stopped having a thing for pockets)

First of it *is* possible :b

Secondly this crashing problem was solved by a number of people by supplying 3.7V via say a LiPo cell instead of 3V from AAAs. However this claim is yet to be verified.

While writing to this thread I realized that it actually would be an interesting thing to try. Because:
1. It's the same console (expect audio is not that 'square' as of DMG which. I'm personally fine with that)
2. You can put a really big LiPo cell there since you have the whole DMG battery compartment for that and it will give you hell of a battery life.
3. You can put even more mods inside without trimming the PCB.

This of course if a pocket PCB is a good fit in the case smile And in my case it's even worse since I'm gonna use DMG screen (that is the whole front PCB). I'm at work at the moment and this was just a flow of my consciousness. In the end you'll get pretty much DMG... but with more space for mods... and if you prefer DMG sound only you won't get it... but apart from that - I think it's a nice mod... sad


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thursdaycustoms wrote:

That PCB will not work. It has entirely different tracing. You would be better off using a stock DMG LCD PCB. It would be far easier to install and wire up.

Oh, I thought Kitsch's breakout is compatible with the DMG, ok, my bad then.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Gamer_freak8520 wrote:

I want to put my Gameboy Pocket into my DMG case using http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/co … button-pcb could this work and where do I solder on the gameboy pocket?

It will work, where to solder I can't tell since haven't tried, ask Kitsch.

Dadibom wrote:

Why would you do that? It's the same console

It actually is not as pointless as may seem. E.g. if you like DMG form factor and want nice light grey screen instead of green-yellow-vomit DMG one (unless you're using double inversion, then the screen in both cases is blue).

One reason I'd go for this mod (not that I'm intended to) is to use my working pocket PCBs lacking screens. Maybe I'm unlucky but often times screens on the pockets I buy either have crystal leak or dead lines / row and unlike DMG these LCDs are nigh impossible to fix. DMGs on the other hand are sturdier somehow don't know... So the idea is to use pocket with DMG front PCB and shove in DMG case. Because again I have a couple of severely damaged back PCBs with relatively well preserved front PCBs smile


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Kitsch are these DMG only or pocket too?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Are there any?