(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Nicely done. Some of the song titles remind me of None More Black. I hear Famitracker and LSDJ at work here, were any other trackers used?

Your metal is power. Your wrestle is mania. May Macho Man Randy Savage and The Ultimate Warrior summer slam (89') in your dreams forever.


(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

As a person who's had some major ups and downs with mental health at points in my life, I feel you on anxiety issues. It's an ugly feeling when the tool that you've been using to cope becomes another source of the problem. That's when it's healthy to take a step back and just look for a while. Then it seems silly when you get the whole thing in perspective again, but when you're down in that hole it seems pretty hopeless. There have been times in my life when I've had to put people and things that I really loved out of my reach to focus on getting my shit together, and it can be painful. For me, music is a powerful cathartic outlet. When I was younger I channeled it a lot differently, because I was a different person, but I think the music I make now is the most honest art I've managed to create yet. It took me a lot of stumbling around in the dark to get here, but I think in a lot of ways you're finding your way to that truth right now. It takes a lot of guts to face up and say "Damn I really feel like my music needs to be better." and it's even harder to ask for help, but most of the time it's the way we have to do things if we actually want to grow. I had been considering posting a thread somewhat like this myself lately, not about hating my music, just a general CC request/where do I go next thread. Your post gave me a lot to think about. Thanks man. Let me know if you ever want to do a song together. Sometimes a collaboration can be just what the doctor ordered to freshen things up.


(14 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Well, it's pretty awesome, but it seems like it doesn't really change up all that much till after the 2min mark. The noi channel generally lacks expressiveness, but that could partially be a mix thing. Maybe just a different snare/hit thing going on would do the trick. (I'm trying to step up my noi game right now too.) It's not exactly repetitive, but the passages lack definition from one another. A solid "B melody" or bridge passage would be very welcome. Your sound design is solid and the song feels whole, but maybe more instruments with more diverse table usage would bring out parts you want to highlight. For a long time in LSDJ I struggled with dynamics, and I don't have total fluency with them yet by any stretch of the imagination, but selective use of volume changes can really make a chain come alive. Play around with some odd envelopes and see what happens. (Roboctopus is the daddy of this trick imho, Jelly is available around in .sav format, check it out if you haven't yet.)

I really like your high energy/dancy style. Every time I hear it, it reminds me of the early Unicorn Kid jams. (I love that shit.) It's easy to get too critical of your own stuff and get super burnt out on music in general, so taking some time off can be the best thing sometimes. I'm totally in a rut right now as far as songwriting goes, and I really want to branch out, because I'm on a roll with tracking itself, but I just can't write a melody or catchy bass pattern to save my life. I think a lot of it is looking at previous material and seeing what you've already done, and trying not to get stuck in a rut, but not having the writing ability to express what you're looking to get across. It's a double edged sword sometimes. A fun idea would maybe be to cover a song. That's what I've been doing lately, and it's not super satisfying for scratching the "artistic need" itch, but it'll keep you busy and advancing your skills for when that genius song idea does finally hit.

Anyway, it's obvious that you've put in the time so far and you don't actually hate your music, you're just feeling unsure and anxious about where you're at. Don't be. Just keep working. You're getting there.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

It's really something man. I'm digging the variety of wave sounds/tricks.

How possible is it to throw physical copies up for sale on bandcamp when the comp is complete?


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(2 replies, posted in Releases)

This bangs.

(And your art is indeed dope.)


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Just redeemed fw33-5ku9, thanks for the codes. Cool blend of live(ish) instruments and chip/daw sounds.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

› Did you bring the Updog?

Nice set of tight little jams. I always dig your simple but interesting style.

Oh, that's always a nice feature. Thanks for the info. smile


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Un favorito nuevo. Muchas gracias.

Is the charger for the unit included?

Bad news dudes. At this time there is no such thing as a drop in replacement LCD for Gameboy Pocket. You can try your luck on ebay with parts auctions, but buyer beware as far as that's concerned. Your best bet is to swap a working screen out of one pocket from another. At which point you're just buying another pocket...


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nothing lasts forever. I use reminders that our time here is limited as inspiration to always try to be producing something. I hope the road to acceptance of this event is short for you my friend. Best wishes.