OK well. Waiting's for suckers.
I decided to make the mentioned "fix" before my stuff arrived, which should be next week.
And I took a total of two pics, one during and one after, showing the result.
During... Old film going out...

After, showing the result... Or not. The pic is really, really shitty. My phone does this weird noise dither thing with dark photos.

Conclusion: It works! 
Considerations for future: Having some form of adhesive for the loose sheet helps a lot.
Thanks again to everyone who helped out! 
Now- I'm going to bed. I'm tired outta my skull.
So yeah. I noted that some form of adhesive helps to keep the loose sheet in place. However, take it from me: Not any type of adhesive works.
And this is the story of how I busted that particular sheet of polarizing film. Dumb ass mistake. It's fine though- I was able to save it using the sheet I recovered from the backlight itself, just turned to produce the normal polarization.
Last edited by my.Explosion (May 5, 2013 5:40 pm)