
Hey guys I ordered a biversion chip from nonfinite with the intention of biverting my pocket which I've already backlighted.
I plan on using this guide but I was wondering, If you look at the picture with all the wiring
completed, there are 2 wires coming from the link port, one black going to the power switch and one red going to w/e.
I just want to clarify that those wires have nothing to do with the biversion?

clovis CA

yup, they are for the backlight


Ok thnx, I was already a bit confused with the diagram (electronics noob) and was stumped because I couldn't figure out what those wires for.

clovis CA

the reason why there is a wire by the switch is because it is a good ground point. the picture with the IC is installed has the ground wired soldered to that point.


Unless your screen is inverted you will only invert the image to it. there is no point in inverting the image via data as you gain no sharpness to the image. the inversion of the polarizer on the LCD is what creates the sharp looking image, then the chip makes it the right colors again


12ianna  thnx I'm aware that the polarizer needs to be rotated 90 to get the desired effect.


Just making sure, didn't want you bummin


Ok update, got my pocket biverted using the "easier points to solder to" diagram on that link I poseted earlier only I've run into 1 slight problem. Due to the added thickness of the led panel I cant get the darn thing shut. Im using pretty thin wire so I was wondering if anyone else here has used that same method how are you routing your cables?


AFAIR Use a bit of force, unless you hear cracking you're good to go.


Care to offer a pic of your routing?