
I've heard the Acclaim ones are awful, and the Freedom Sticks are cool, I just don't like playing arcade style that often. I've seen the wireless Retrobit controllers for SNES as well. Are there good wireless controllers anywhere for the actual NES console?

EDIT: Retrobit has a wireless NES/SNES controller coming at some point this Fall, I've heard

Last edited by float.bridges (Jul 16, 2013 4:58 pm)

Austin, TX

I've heard the same about the Akklaim controllers, but I asked a big NES buff the same question and he recommended using the NES Satellite. You can get them dirt cheap, and you just plug in your normal NES pad (up to 4 at once) and have a wireless transmitter. I've heard some pretty nasty reviews of the Retrobit controllers, but I'm actually considering getting those for my SNES.


Thanks! I'll pick up a Satellite when I can!
The wireless SNES pads from Retrobit weren't half bad for me. I used them on my Retroduo when I had it, and still use it on my brother's SNES when he brings it over.