Kyle, Tx

Hello everyone!
As some of you know already I bought a new house. 3 bedrooms and only me and my wife living in it. I get a man cave. I have the advantage of constructing this glorious cave from scratch. I am looking for ideas and I have a few of my own. When I move into the house I will get pictures of the bare room as well as construction photos. Where I can I will be building everything and I am hoping to make this room rather high tech. I will be composing all of my music from this room and I would like to have a corner desk with a tri panel monitor. The celieng is going to be redone with an infinity mirror with LEDs so it looks sorta like Tron. I am hoping to have a retro gaming station in there as well.

Anyways if you have ideas for me toss them out there.

Abandoned on Fire

Bank-style vacuum tube sandwich and drink delivery system connected to kitchen.

Kyle, Tx

With an intercom to the wife that she must carry at all times?

Milwaukee, WI

You are going to need the obligatory Budweiser/mid-80's bikini girl poster. Or blown up wall-sized schematics of a c64. Either one.

Kyle, Tx

Better yet I want a sterile theme for the room, lots of white. I could silver leaf the schematics onto the largest wall for some nice light dispersing in the room to brighten it more dynamically. I actually like that idea a lot.


worser yet u mean

Kyle, Tx … trackball/ Im thinking I should install this in the desk for my mouse. I am quite partial to trackballs for their precision in photo manipulation. And this one is gigantic.