
Interested in adding that SID sound to my work, not terribly picky about how. Looking to get my hands on just about any sort of SID synth. A SammichSID is probably the most realistic option (willing to take built boxes or kits), but I'm open to just about anything that uses a SID to make beautiful music.

Ideally, you'd want to trade. Unfortunately I don't have much in the way of chip tune stuff, but maybe you're interested anyway. I have a KMI QuNeo---amazingly powerful pad controller but I'm too colorblind to use it---and an Arturia Minibrute I'm willing to trade. Also have some smaller stuff I can sweeten the pot with: Monotrons, Casio SK keyboards, Boss DR-202, etc.

I'm pretty open to offers and negotiating. Worst that can happen is we decide not to trade, so if you have any interest, shoot me a PM and we can talk.

Located in US, willing to work worldwide.

Last edited by jaytee (Aug 19, 2013 10:35 pm)


Have you seen: … Itemid=116

I havent heard a review of it yet, but you should be able to order it quicker than the other options.


As far as I can tell, that doesn't actually use a SID chip, just an emulation, plus I would like the option of adding a second SID. Also, it's just damn expensive; I don't mind waiting it out for something I can afford to come along.


there are sid based units and non sid based units. The sid ones are still available. Its about the price youd expect to pay for a assembled sammichsid in my opinion.


I know that at one point a version with a real SID was available for $100 more, but I cannot find that option on their US website anywhere, and besides, you'd have to be mad to pay $100 for a single SID chip.

As for the price of the complete unit, as far as I'm concerned it's way too high. Even if I had that kind of cash on hand (I don't, hence "ideally, you'd want to trade..."), I'd be a sucker to pay that price. Most complete SammichSIDs I've seen for sale have been in the $400-500 range, this Mode Machines box is double that price for significantly less functionality (I don't need a x0x sequencer tacked on). I see complete MB-6582s go for $800 in forum marketplaces and those have eight(!!!) SID chips inside.

Frankly, everything Mode Machines makes is overpriced as all get out. Why would anyone in their right mind buy a x0xb0x from them for $800 when you can buy other commercially built x0xen for $5-600, and perfectly fine home-built ones closer to $350?

Last edited by jaytee (Jul 26, 2013 7:52 pm)


What price gas? big_smile


Hye. If you want i can let you my c64 with the Mssiah cart (with midi in) + a alesis photon x25 that is a good master keyboard. For that, I'd be interessed in your minibrute. Tell me if you'd be ok. Cheers

West Yorks, UK

pm'd re:having  sammichsid availible