Hudson, MA

( Edit:  Twitch chat is working, but requires you to sign up to use it.  In the event their chat service goes down, we'll chat over at 8bitX, if you feel up to it: )

The show starts about 6:30 pm EST (-5 GMT.)

I apologize if this is technically misplaced;  if it should go under the topic of upcoming events, I will gladly post it there, instead.

Either way, since Curtis gave us the green light, I figured all of you fine friends wouldn't mind a stream for us who couldn't make it out!

SUPER thanks to Spry, Casshern and Hoodie for getting things set up for me when I ended up coming down with pneumonia! (Seriously, heart you guys five-ever, nevermind forever.)

Last edited by Glenntai (Aug 2, 2013 9:54 pm)