Madriz, Supain

Dogtag and I were wondering if its possible to make LSDJ play random notes from a table when the automate is ON instead of following the order you put them into. We're curious as that would make writing leads a very easy task AND add some fun to live stuff because of the unexpected result.

Is there someone who can make this? Maybe we can already and we don't know how?

NC in the US of America

I don't know how you'd go about doing that but I'd guess it might involve the Zxx command.


Make a bunch of tables that transpose note, call A command with Z, get semi-random notes. Maybe?

Madriz, Supain
_-_- wrote:

Make a bunch of tables that transpose note, call A command with Z, get semi-random notes. Maybe?

That be cool but wouldnt that jump to ALL tables? I mean, if Im using one for the kick, another one for the bass, etc, wouldnt that command jump to those tables too?

ohio gozaimasu

The Z command can be used in the phrase screen. It repeats the last non-Z
command issued in a phrase in the current channel, using the then used
command value added with a random number between 0 and the given Z
command value.


Just keep all of the tables that you would like to use right near each other. Ex: tables 00 - 0F are all of the tables with transposition effects. Everything after 0F should be used for other instruments. Then you can just use your Z command like Z0E after your first tick in the table (if the first tick was A00).

Madriz, Supain
SubWooferSpecial wrote:

Just keep all of the tables that you would like to use right near each other. Ex: tables 00 - 0F are all of the tables with transposition effects. Everything after 0F should be used for other instruments. Then you can just use your Z command like Z0E after your first tick in the table (if the first tick was A00).

ah, i see

Ima try this
