
Hi! I'm a newbie.. planning on beginning to make chiptune music so I'm pretty new to all of this. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to get the tracks you make on LSDJ cartridge transferred into mp3 files on the mac computer? Thanks! sorry if I posted this in the wrong place yikes

Gosford, Australia

if you want .mp3 files then record the songs from the gameboy output into the line-in on your computer wink
audacity is fine for that i guess!

if you want to back up the saves on osx then these threads are full of handy info: … ge-on-mac/ … ith-a-mac/

ALSO if you're just starting out you can run LSDJ just fine on a lot of emulators and then not have to worry about recording with cables or cart driver issues or even buying carts at all!

Last edited by Victory Road (Oct 10, 2013 3:30 am)

South Korea

I hope we are not being trolled.
If you are sincere, then buy one of these … udio+cable , plug one end into the GB's headphone jack, the other into the Mac's input/microphone jack, open Garageband or Audacity, press the red dot (RECORD), and hit start on the GameBoy.
I would suggest first learning how to write a decent song before recording and sharing it with the world.

EDIT: for being unnecessarily rude, I'm sorry.

Last edited by DeerPresident (Oct 10, 2013 3:55 am)