Straya Mate

Hey guys, gals and anyone in-between.

I run a small online store here in Australia.

I started the business approx 2001 but only started selling online in about the last 3 years. is me, just me, nobody else.

I was selling a lot of mods/chips/accessories for current gen consoles, like flash carts, ODDE's, flashers. The general biz.

Then last year something happened (in my family) and I had to pretty well shut my site down, was a real bummer, not so much from the money side of things, more because of the fact that I really enjoyed doing it.

So anyway, at the start of this year my circumstances changed, and I was in the position to open it up again, so I have!
But this time, I'm sort of aiming to supply the perhaps harder to find or cool items that I always wanted to stock.

It's still in construction, and quite a few items are out of stock, but I'm working hard to re-stock everything as fast as I can and bring new products which people might find of interest at the same time.

Today I just got a cool shipment of Refurbed GBA's plus some other bits and the next shipment will be DMG's and GBC's in all different colours. (plus a bunch of other accessories, some of which are listed already)

I'm not normally much of a self promoter, but hey, why not.
At the least I can maybe help some aussies to get some items which are hard to find over here smile
At the worst you'll all tell me to fuck off, which is also fine haha

Anyway, enough from me. If your interested, have a look.

Thank you for your time.
I shall return to lurking in the Nintendo Handhelds section now and leave you all in peace.


Last edited by DaRkO (Nov 14, 2013 3:27 pm)


Your site is what I've been planning to do for a few months now. Only that I'm based in Spain and I'd be offering less DIY parts and more refurbished consoles.

Straya Mate

Do it man! It's really an enjoyable thing to do and you get to keep some awesome gear for yourself too smile
It takes some work and time, but i enjoy it for sure.

The refurb's are probably the most fun thing of all, in the past week I've sold a bunch of the GBA's, the coolest thing about it is, many parents were actually buying them for Christmas presents!

It's good that the older games will keep going through a younger generation and not just us old blokes, as there isn't any reason the kids now can't enjoy the same games thousands of others did years ago.