Hi there,
I am having difficulties with using a keyboard in LSDJ. It is very temperamental. I am using the latest version of LSDJ 4.7.3 but have tried other versions with the same results. It is a gameboy color and PS/2 keyboard.
- The keyboard wont work unless I start the music, then change sync to keyboard even if it is already set to keyboard. I need to do this a few times before it actuall works.
- Once working it will eventually stop working then I have to go back to the sync options and change it from 'keyboard' to something else then back to 'keyboard'. This is very annoying as I have to do this ever 2 minutes or so.
- Sometimes the keyboard doesnt work correctly. Up is down, down is up, enter is up....
I have two keyboard, both with the same problems. Could it be due to the length of the cable? It is just over one meter long. I am using 5v from the GBC
When it does actually work it works great.
Any help would be great.