the switch that sets the electricity levels for gba or gb carts is i think on the right.
i insert the cart a bit pushing on that side and it usually works.
you could also stick something on the side of the cart if you think you will use it a lot with an sp.
i modified a gamester adapter that you can use for inserting 3 carts.
this way, the sp is more ergonomic in the hands and the cart sticks out behind the screen, instead of the normal clumsiness the sp can be.
i tried nl17 on my ags101 and i couldn't manage to make it stuck (at first).
i quickly randomised all channels full of sounds and let to run for some time. all good, all in time.
BUT it seems to loose track specifically if you use delays.
without delays, it all goes fine. with even a couple of delays, the sp slows down.
the same way an original gb would slow down if you overload it with tables on high bpm on lsdj.
the resulting sequences are quite interesting in a way though 
Last edited by the mist toggles (Jul 25, 2014 5:49 pm)