I think that map's pretty telling, isn't it? Like, I don't wanna be that guy, but me and Solarbear sure as fuck are the only people making things in Lexington still, right? Even after throwing 2 rather large fests and consistently playing shows at venues of all sizes, nobody around here is interested in chip at all. We've been doing stuff for years and not a damn thing has changed.
an0va, you and Danimal are in the upper percentages of accessibility and success in this scene, let's not kid ourselves. It's more than a little disheartening to be putting in the work and getting nothing in return. Let's take the example of Trey. He's making supremely accessible dance music that does not sound like it's coming from gameboys at all, and his success has not at all fostered a scene in his town, or even his whole state, really. I don't see what hope some of the less "mainstream" of us have.
I realize this is more than a bit meandering, but I think that fostering a scene really isn't worth it if you're on your own somewhere. Most of us are hobbyists. Seeing real live people who are interested in your hobby is cool, but ramming up against the wall of public apathy for years is enough to make anyone stop giving a fuck.