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Hi all!

So instead of wasting tons and tons of batteries and constantly losing rechargeable ones, I've been looking for alternatives to providing power.

I just so happen to have a 10,000 mAh USB battery, and I would love to use this as a means for powering my gameboys. The issue I'm coming across is finding which DC adapter to get...

I'm finding plenty of USB to DC 5v adapters on eBay, but no USB to DC 6v. I've seen people like Noyzbot use DMG's with a battery bank, and I'm confused as to which one to buy/look for.

Should I go 6v or 5v?


reference: … xy4YdTT9sL


The DMG is using a switched mode power supply which works from pretty much anything from 4V-9V as long as it can provide enough current. 5V will work fine. 5V is not unusual for a set of slightly discharged batteries anyway.

United Kingdom

Check the polarity of that cable as well... DMG needs centre negative