
I have been seriously considering this Theta_Frost. I have done this kind of thing in the past too, so I'd probably do it for the Munchausen, unless I suddenly find a really great source for donor carts and I get them in bulk.

Milwaukee, WI

Sounds good, when your ready just give me a holler.  smile

Last edited by Theta_Frost (Aug 6, 2010 4:56 am)


this sounds like a useful tool.

New York, New York


I can't believe I didn't drop by this thread already. T.=.T <-- dragon cries


The Flash chips still have not arrived. *sigh* Oh well, it's only been a whole week.

Also, I figured out how to make this design work on Famicom, so I'll certainly be able to make some of these for that system as well.


My understanding is that Famicom carts just lack the extra I/O lines in the middle, and that you can even get some Famicom-to-NES adaptors that fit inside the cartridge (some early NES releases used these, I've read, since they had excess Famicom boards already made). Hopefully the Famicom doesn't have any other hardware differences that will cause a problem. The controller port for the PC cable might be an issue, as I think they work a little differently.

blargg wrote:

My understanding is that Famicom carts just lack the extra I/O lines in the middle, and that you can even get some Famicom-to-NES adaptors that fit inside the cartridge (some early NES releases used these, I've read, since they had excess Famicom boards already made). Hopefully the Famicom doesn't have any other hardware differences that will cause a problem. The controller port for the PC cable might be an issue, as I think they work a little differently.

No, AFAIK the only think a Famicom cart lacks is the lockout IO (since it has no lockout) and the expansion connector IO, which is NES specific and which we won't be using. Everything else is present and accounted for. As for the Famicom link cable, connecting through the Famicom's expansion port is perfectly doable, since it just has the same data lines present as the controllers themselves, plus a few extra ones. From what I can see, it should not be a particular problem.

EDIT: in case I'm not making sense, the idea with this is that the design can be made not just with NES donors, but also Famicom donors, so that Famicom users can take advantage of the design as well.

Last edited by arfink (Aug 11, 2010 1:03 am)


Finally, the chips have arrived! I'm so excited!


OK, got pictures of PCBs. I did these with a light tent and everything to get maximum detail. smile

See more here:

By the way, these boards have been through a good deal of rework by now, and are still clean. So have no fear the final product will also be very clean looking! smile

rochester, ny


clovis CA

how do you keep your soldering iron tip nice without it getting corroded?

pr0n wrote:

how do you keep your soldering iron tip nice without it getting corroded?

Well, if you look at some pics of my iron, it has some corrosion, but I try to keep it under control.

However, the easy way to keep your iron from corroding badly is to keep it tinned and clean it frequently. To do this, I just have a sponge with some water in it handy and also regular solder. To clean the tip I melt a good amount of rosin core solder on the end of the tip and also around the upper portions of the tip as well. I rub the iron on the wet sponge before the flux has a chance to burn off and spread the solder around to coat the tip with a fresh layer of tin/lead. While soldering I frequently rub the iron off on the wet sponge, and when I get done I tin the iron again before unplugging. Basically, this is keeping the corrosive flux from building up and keeping a protective coating of fresh lead on the iron.


g0 arfink go!


Well, I got a BIG progress update today!

Blargg and I couldn't wait for the US postal service to deliver him his board. So naturally, we decided to forge ahead anyway. I sent him those high res. pics you can see a few posts ago, and he worked up a wiring diagram, We met on IRC to talk about the project, and he suggested remotely working on the cartridge. Then I set up an SSH tunnel to my home Linux computer so he could remotely control my NES via the special USB cable. After a bit of fiddling with the old NROM board to test the connection and some new code, I built the prototype board and we got it running with the Flash chip instead of EPROMs. Blargg tested some read and write functions, and we called it a day!

So, I have some pics and also some excepts from our IRC session.

First, A giant mess. Yes, that is what happens when you're working on something and don't care about keeping it clean in the process.

The pcb front, now with socket and Flash chip (and some hidden trace cuts):

The pcb back, now with 5 new jumpers and some trace cuts (details coming soon):

And some IRC excepts:

<blargg> If you wanted to keep moving on development, you could do the wiring before I receive my board, then get it in the NES with a loader and hook it to your Linux box and then I could get debugging it remotely.
<arfink> oh, cool
<blargg> Assuming the wiring is good, the only thing I'd need from you is to reset the NES if I crash the loader :)
<arfink> I see
<blargg> I'd try to avoid that, so I could just sit here running tests remotely without any assistance.
<blargg> Since it'll be several days before I get my board at the soonest, I'm open to doing this to speed things up. Would also be pretty cool.
<blargg> You'd obviously create a separate account on your machine for me.
<blargg> Since I know you've got GCC and that test program compiled, I think all the libraries/packages are already there, so nothing to install.
<arfink> i feel like a freakin dentist here with my pick
<arfink> :)
<arfink> and cleaning brush
<arfink> ok, I'm pretty sure #2 is done
<arfink> and cap is back in place
<arfink> just 2 more cuts
. . .
<arfink> ok got one side done
<arfink> other side...
<blargg> And it's got a trace close to it, so you don't want to cut too far over the edge of the trace.
<blargg> ok, the flash id test :)
<arfink> try to ping again
<arfink> first
<arfink> ok
<blargg> yeah
<arfink> I think the cart was not quite seated right
<arfink> i got a beep
<blargg> yeah, writes work!
<blargg> FF FF 01 A4 FF FF
<blargg> first two are ROM, second two are the manufacturer and device code
<blargg> third two are ROM again
<arfink> coooool
<blargg> OK, now to try programming a byte... should work fine though
<blargg> gotta look up the writes
<arfink> yes
<blargg> and let's see how it needs to verify that they byte was written...
<blargg> works!
<blargg> I programmed a byte
<arfink> yup
<arfink> I heard the beep
* arfink does happy dance

Last edited by arfink (Aug 16, 2010 3:40 am)

Milwaukee, WI

Sweet!  Remote debugging is really cool!  (also NGPC!)

▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐ ▐▐▌▌▐▌▌█▐

it really is the future. developing new hard/soft ware for retro consoles remotely across the world.

is this a log of the first NES being programming via the internet?

great work guys!