Wheeling, WV

I'm making this thread because of the e-mails and messages I've received, and I, frankly, don't have time to respond to them individually and don't have a computer handy to send a mass e-mail. So, first off, I want to thank you guys for the tremendous support I've received regarding my recovery.

I promise you guys that by next year, I'll be back with a release that you may enjoy.

Some of you already know the recent developments that have strongly impaired my physical abilities and certainly has not helped my mental situation. For those who do not know, I have lost the ability to use my left hand due to a random attack a couple of weeks ago. As you can tell, luck has never been my strong point. However, I'm trying to remain optimistic and keep things in a positive light.

Onto the really positive stuff.

Every second, the end of the world is drawing closer.

I did some databending and made up this NES ROM. It's chaotic, it's experimental, and it will end whenever the world does. If you leave it on in a room somewhere, you can always go into that room and be reminded that the end isn't here yet. Go out and fulfill your life while it lasts. For some reason, this fact and this ROM soothes me in the same way that AM radio static does.

Anyways, thank you all and enjoy.

P.S. Those who want to get ahold of me but didn't know how can do so by e-mail at [email protected] or through AIM at tim0r0usme

P.P.S. See y'all next year!!!!


Good luck with the recovery, man!!

Liverpool, UK

I like the ROM, it is quite soothing.