Philadelphia, PA

I've had my Midines for like a million years and have never had any problems with it.  Within the past week the first pulse wave channel has been weird... randomly losing it's sustain and gaining a quick decay while playing.  I checked all the superfluous midi messages sent to it from my controller and they're clean... I really have no idea what's causing the problem.  It seems very random.   

I use Ableon Live 8.1 to deal with everything MIDI.  When reloading my sets the weird quick-decay remains, so it seems like something that gets sent to the Midines via a CC message or something. Restarting the Midines in the middle of a Ableton set does not fix the problem.

I'm wondering: are there any CC values that would affect this?  I played with all of the instructions documented on Wayfar's site and I haven't encountered any automation that would cause it.  I have no idea what's going on, after the cart has been fine for years.