So. Being one hundred per cent useless when it comes to physically interacting with electronics, I wanted to see if someone capable would be willing to help me out with this. Basically I have a couple of Nanoloop v1.1 cartridges with dead or soon-to-be-dead batteries. The batteries themselves are standard CR2032 batteries, but from what I can determine (and I did kind of a lot of digging) the batteries' soldering tabs are of a non-standard, and possibly custom, configuration in which the tabs are at 90° relative to one another. (The superhumanly resourceful Herbert Weixelbaum came to the conclusion that batteries with this tab configuration are most likely designated CR2032/F1B, for whatever it's worth).
In a perfect world, I would like to modify my v1.1 cartridges in such a way that a "battery canopy" (like what's inside the v1.2 cartridges -- holds the battery in-place, but the battery can be easily slipped out for replacement) is inserted inside. And, if that is possible, I would like to pay (a reasonable amount) for someone's help in excecuting this little bit of cart surgery.
A while back Herbert Weixelbaum had scanned the guts of some writeable GB carts, including Nanoloop 1.1 & 1.2:
So, to anyone in the know: at a glance, is there anything in the internal arrangement of the guts of the 1.1 cartridge (yellow one in the scan above) that would prevent a "canopy" or whatever from being "implanted?" Acknowledging that the battery's contact points in the 1.1 cart are (naturally) at right angles while their 1.2 counterparts seem to be at 180° relative to each other -- I'm hoping some sort of clever trickery might be possible to sidestep this.
If for any reason that's impossible, I'd also settle for enlisting someone's help to simply replace the battery the old-fashioned way (someone adept enough / equipped with parts suitable enough to solder the thing in there with tabs at a right angle). I really miss working with v1.1 and would love to resurrect these carts somehow.
Thanks in advance from a hopeless n00b. E-mail's probably the best way to get back to me, I'm at bit decimal shifter at bit decimal shifter decimal net .