Russia, Moscow

I'm glad to finally present to you my new NES game.

Download the game (392K) or watch a video (spoilers alert, it shows solution for few levels!).

The game is a logic platformer. You control a hero and his alter ego. You have to switch between them to clear a level. It is a bit similar to Binary Land.

This game is a port, or maybe a remake, of recent ZX Spectrum game of the same name. The original version created by Denis Grachev from RetroSouls, you can see video of it here and get it here. NES version got new graphics, original music by Kulor (composed for the game), and some other changes.

Chicago IL

awesome, gonna put this on my DS!


I love games that have some sort of abstract puzzle mechanism to them, great job!


Music by Kulon!... fail!!... so fail!!......

rochester, ny
ui wrote:

Music by Kulon!... fail!!... so fail!!......

why fail? it sounds pretty good to me.

also, this game looks amazing. i'll definitely play it this weekend.

nickmaynard wrote:
ui wrote:

Music by Kulon!... fail!!... so fail!!......

why fail? it sounds pretty good to me.

also, this game looks amazing. i'll definitely play it this weekend.

I think he was kidding.


of course im kidding... LUL....

Pretty neat game and gameplay. how many lvls this has???. Would be nice to see the lvls somewhere
thx for sharing with us


Shiru, the PDF in spanish! :DDD... you could re-check with somebody who also speak spanish too just in case there is any error in the translation. But i think it's pretty accurate to the one in the PDF. (hope this help in anyway!)


El juego esta diseñado para ser usado con el Nintendo Entertaiment System o Famicom, o con un Software que emule estas consolas. Para  jugarlo en la consola necesitas de un Cartucho Flash como el Power Pak.

El juego no esta licenciado o aprobado por Nintendo Company de ninguna manera. Es gratuito, lanzado como Freeware, y se ofrece "tal cual" sin garantía o responsabilidad de ningún tipo.

Controlas un Héroe que tiene una sombra como gemelo, su alter ego. Cuando el héroe se mueve, el alter ego se mueve en espejo. En algunos niveles los movimientos son en espejo de manera horizontal, en algunos otros son verticalmente. Puedes intercambiar entre el Héroe y su alter ego limitado a una cantidad de movimientos por nivel.

Para completar el nivel, debes colectar todos los cuadrados saltarines. Usualmente solo puedes colectarlos con el Héroe, pero en algunos niveles hay cuadrados de otros colores, estos se colectan con el alter ego.
Hay Cráneos malvados en los niveles, no los debes tocar y tampoco caigas en el agua o fuera de las plataformas o perderás un intento de continuar. Al comenzar tienes 5 intentos, un intento extra es agregado cada vez que pasas 5 niveles. Puedes reiniciar el nivel usando puase en el menú, y esto también te restara un intento.
Hay 25 niveles en total en el juego.

Last edited by ui (Jul 24, 2011 3:44 am)

New York City

This is awesome=!

Russia, Moscow

ui, thanks for translation, added to the manual.

Teeside, UK

I'll download this later on today. The video looks amazing, the music is drool-inducing... winner.

Riverside, CA


hardcore, Australia

Amazing game. Amazing concept. I am addicted.


Hmm had an idea, you could use the controls from gyromite to control a rob to switch the "ego" using the gyromite pieces to press a and b. not very efficient but would add a cool feature. Plus I'm sick of just gyromite as I can't afford stack up pieces:/ I'd help donate any resources I could to help if you wanted to add that feature, could just be a pipe dream of mine for a third rob title lol


Rob is pretty cool, sadly underused though.

Chicago IL

fun game, wish it was longer though!

Russia, Moscow

I'm not able to make ROB games because I don't have ROB, never seen it in RL, I don't have NES, I don't have a flash cart, I don't even have NTSC TV set, I can't afford myself to buy all this, and I live in country where it is still not easy to receive anything from foreign countries.