If you haven't heard of the Occupy Wall St movement and it's subsequent protest around the country, specifically the one in Seattle, go to http://occupywallst.org/ and http://occupyseattle.org/ for info. You can also look online and make your own decisions towards it.
I will go so far to say that I support it, but that's not what this thread is about.
I do think these guys are doing an awesome job standing up for what they believe in, and I know that after being out in the cold and rain, and getting their protection from the elements taken away from them, they will probably need some things to keep their spirits up.
I was thinking of sometime next week heading down there and do a little "busking"/putting on a free show for them. Would anyone else be interested in this?
Nothing is confirmed, as a matter of fact I still need to talk to the organizers about it, but wanted to see if anyone else would be willing to join me.
Email me at jonnynero at gmail dot com if you are