
Personally, I think it'll me cool if their was a section on here to view 'the top rated song of the day,  week, etc.' on here.
Or maybe a 'moderator pick of the week' or something like that.
Something along the lines of a 'most viewed' 'top rated'  'staff pic' song of the day, week, month, year, decade, and CENTURY!

It'll be a great way to promote music better, I think.

Feedback from this idea would be great.


I, personally, wouldn't mind a way to favorite artists.  Sometimes I hear something I really like but don't have the time to research too in depth into the person or people.

Yuma, AZ

I'm into the admin picks. or maybe base it on a rating/plays system?

̛̛̩̥̩̥̩̥̅ ̥⎬̛̛̛̛̛̥̥̩̥̩̩

how about top likes


Admin artist/song of the week would be interesting.
Instead of a top likes, maybe a like/dislike number?

Great ideas guys!

East Kilbride, Scotland

I very much doubt they'll introduce top song of the day/week/month as that sounds too much like 8bc.

Sort buttons for overall views, overall replies, overall rating, title and date already exist.


people actually caring about the music section sounds way too much like 8bc imho

Czech republic



we used to have a way to follow an individual artist, but someone complained about it, so it was removed...
wouldn't mind seeing that come back, but unlikely that any sort of top tracks, etc will get added...speaking for myself (not sure how the other staff feel), adding the charts on 8bc seemed to have a negative impact on the site and the diversity of tracks uploaded (as in, many people were trying to write that they thought would get on the chart more often than just putting ot whatever they felt like writing)... beyond that, 8bc has thousands of user accounts that were made JUST so people could vote up tracks (either new users who had a friends spam them "hai! vote 4 me lulz!" or in some cases users making dummy accounts to vote themselves up)...


But isn't this all about the music, promoting yourself, and meeting people that have the same interest of chiptune music and making it into a socialistic kind of environment to converse about all things chiptune?

I don't know who made this site, but I think that person somewhat cared about the music section a little to actually make one.


caring about music and considering it the focal point of the site are two different things..

East Kilbride, Scotland

I personally wouldn't mind if they got rid of the music section altogether, as I follow the releases page on the forum a lot more than I do follow the music section.