
hey guys the DMG im currently going to be modding currently has no internal speaker, but i have an extra GBASP speaker. do you think if i solder it into the dmg connecters it will work?


one wat to find out....dont see why not

The Netherlands

Like Downstate said, only one way to find out. Could be interesting


lol yeah i'll try it tmrw. and if it doesnt work no big deal smile

Matthew Joseph Payne

I think I heard someone say that they preferred it this way. Unlikely that you'll break anything regardless.


This sounds really interesting actually- is there any noticeable improvement in sound quality when you do this?


I attempted soldering a Gameboy Advanced SP speaker to a DMG 01. My results were a whole lot of silence. Switch SPK1 and SPK2 yellow wires from the DMG and still nada. Who knows, I only had one SP speaker and the golden pins that fold on to the speaker backing had fallen out causing much confusion and room for error.

matt's mind

your speaker was broke to begin with, from your description of the wrapped wire coming loose... 

i've heard of people doing this, and preferring it like this.  haven't tried it myself.  don't really see any reason why it wouldn't work, other than you using a broken speaker...

Tulsa, OK

all I know is that sounds like a great Idea, and would be super cool if it worked! the sp sounds good smile


Gameboy Advance speaker worked just fine though

Germany, Trier

I have tried all speakers from the nintendo handheld line, even notebook speakers, they all work like a charm, but remember, the og. speaker is 8Ohm smile

Austin, Texas

I have a RadioShack replacement speaker in one of my DMGs, and I swear it's slightly louder and maybe a little more clear.

That's all subjective, though. I don't think it's worth replacing a working speaker with one, I only did it because I had a broken speaker in that DMG to begin with.