I am in full screen mode. I have set it to 2x2 but I still see ONLY 2 tracks, I think I can fit 3 at least!
You mean in the main window? It only displays tracks which are in the currently selected in the pattern sequencer I think.
Yes, it will show only the patterns the current sequence step has set (you can have empty sequences). Also, in compact mode, you can set the visible pattern data columns to fit even more channels.
Yeah man, it is because you only have one track at that point in the pattern sequencer.
Looks like a lot of people are having trouble even tho the program is very similar to other trackers. Perhaps I should make a quick overviewof the most basic things.
Note that the fullscreen mode takes res from the window size. In other words, you can set the window to fit your preference (say, show 4 or 8 tracks) and then when you go fullscreen it will keep all that.
I am having trouble in linux, I get this error on startup
~ $ klystrack
[FATAL] Mix_OpenAudio failed:
Would love any advice, all other audio apps run fine
I am having trouble in linux, I get this error on startup
~ $ klystrack [FATAL] Mix_OpenAudio failed:
Would love any advice, all other audio apps run fine
Did you install it using the .deb package?
even tho the program is very similar to other trackers.
Well most trackers show all channels regardless of if I am using it at a specific sequencer position or not. This was confusing for me.
AHX for example, you can change the channel pattern position from within the pattern column so you can edit at the sam time (or visibly have at the same time)4 channels of audio. How you sequence them later is another issue and I think this is just confusing.
I opened a track and it showed up other channels all right, but as I said, this leads to confusion for me (I'm an old dog )
Well most trackers show all channels regardless of if I am using it at a specific sequencer position or not.
The difference here is that AHX can't have empty sequence positions and all patterns are of same length. I guess at least channel headers could be drawn when there is no pattern at all (now it's a weird hybrid of single pattern editor and multiple channel editor).
EDIT: Also, no idea about the Linux bug. I don't know why SDL_mixer doesn't give any error message but I think the error happens in that library (audio settings?)
Last edited by kometbomb (Apr 30, 2011 6:23 am)
Alright, the latest nightly (middaily?) has keyboard shortcut definition presets. Check the key directory for file FT2. Will update the wiki soon. Could someone provide Protracker etc. keymappings?
Yeah I understand, it works like Sid Duzz It, where each pattern can have different lengths and whatnot. I guess that's one of the things that always confused me about SDI
Here's the Protracker layout (replace Amiga key with whatever you seem fit!)
The keymap on Protracker is a standard US keymap. The font has been enhanced
and redrawn a little, so you now have a lot more special characters than
before. Remember to always use the left shift and alt, as the right ones
are used for other things.
High notekeys: 2 3 5 6 7 9 0 =
Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]
Low notekeys: S D G H J L ;
Z X C V B N M , . /
F1 - Choose lo octave(From C-1 to G-3)
F2 - Choose hi octave(From C-2 to B-3)
F3 - Cut (sample)
F4 - Copy (sample)
F5 - Paste (sample)
shft+F3 - Cut track to buffer
shft+F4 - Copy track to buffer
shft+F5 - Paste track-buffer to track
alt+F3 - Cut whole pattern to buffer
alt+F4 - Copy whole pattern to buffer
alt+F5 - Paste patt-buffer to pattern
ctrl+F3 - Cut commands to buffer
ctrl+F4 - Copy commands to buffer
ctrl+F5 - Paste cmd-buffer to track
F6 - Go to patternposition 0
F7 - Go to patternposition 16
F8 - Go to patternposition 32
F9 - Go to patternposition 48
F10- Go to patternposition 63
shft+F6-F10 - Store current patternposition on selected F-key
alt+F6-F10 - Play pattern from the stored patternposition
ctrl+F6-F10 - Record from the stored patternposition
Esc - Exit DiskOp/EditOp/PLST/PsetEd/Setup/Help etc...
shft+Return - Insert blank note at cursorposition and move
the others down. Notes beyond patternposition
63 will be lost!
shft+Bckspce - Delete note above cursorposition and move
the others up. You can NOT do this if you're
at patternposition 0!
alt+Return - As above, but with all 4 tracks
alt+Backspace - As above, but with all 4 tracks
ctrl+Return - Push cmds one down
ctrl+Backspace - Drag cmds one up
ctrl+0-9 - Select how many slots PT will jump down each time
you insert a note (this is only in Edit-mode)
alt+cursor right - patternnumber up
alt+cursor left - patternnumber down
shft+cursor right - song-position up
shft+cursor left - song-position down
ctrl+cursor left - samplenumber up
ctrl+cursor right - samplenumber down
BackwardsSingleQuote (The key over TAB, you know?) - Go to CLI
Help - Go to help or plst screen
shft+Help - Toggle between Help or PLST on Help key
Space - Toggle between Stop/Edit-mode
< (beside Z) - Kill DMA & Volumes to 0
right Amiga - Play Pattern
right Alt - Play Song
right Shift - Record
Caps Lock - Toggle Keyrepeat on/off
Del - Delete note under cursor
alt+Del - Delete command only
shft+Del - Delete note and command
On Numeric pad:
0 - Select Sample $0
1st row - Select Sample $1-$4
2nd row - Select Sample $5-$8
3rd row - Select Sample $9-$c
4th row - Select Sample $d-$f
Just Enter - Select Sample $10
Holding Enter + the other keys, will select sample $11-$1F
Period (.) - Kill current sample
Left Amiga (Plus keys below) - Transposing like in Edit Op. Screen 1
Sample/Track Sample/Pattern
1 - Note Up 2 - Note Up
Q - Note Down W - Note Down
A - Octave Up S - Octave Up
Z - Octave Down X - Octave Down
All/Track All/Pattern
3 - Note Up 4 - Note Up
E - Note Down R - Note Down
D - Octave Up F - Octave Up
C - Octave Down V - Octave Down
Tab - Move cursor to next track
Shft+Tab - Move cursor to prev track
ctrl+A - Toggle channel on/off
ctrl+B - Mark block
ctrl+C - Copy block to buffer
ctrl+D - Delete block, drag notes up
ctrl+E - expand track
ctrl+F - toggle filter on/off
ctrl+G - Boost all samples
ctrl+H - Transpose block up
ctrl+I - Insert block, push notes down
ctrl+J - Join-paste block
ctrl+K - Kill to end of track
ctrl+L - Transpose block down
ctrl+M - Toggle multikeyboard on/off
ctrl+N - Re-mark last block
ctrl+O - Contract track
ctrl+P - Paste block
ctrl+Q - Unmute all channels
ctrl+R - Restore F6-F10 positions
ctrl+S - Toggle split keyboard on/off
ctrl+T - swap tracks
ctrl+U - undo last change
ctrl+V - Filter all samples
ctrl+W - Polyphonize block
ctrl+X - Cut block to buffer
ctrl+Y - Backwards block
ctrl+Z - Restore Effects
shft+0-9 - Store current command on selected key
alt+0-9 - Insert command in current track
alt+"\" - Copy command above cursor to current patternposition.
alt+"=" - Copy command above cursor to current patternposition
and add one to the value.
alt+"-" - Copy command above cursor to current patternposition
and subract one from the value.
alt+A - Monitor/Start sampling
alt+B - Boost sample
alt+C - Toggle channel 3
alt+D - Go to Disk Op.
alt+E - Go to Edit Op.
alt+F - Filter sample
alt+I - Toggle AutoinsertEffect on/off
alt+K - Delete current sample/track
alt+M - Toggle metronome on/off
alt+Q - Quit Protracker
alt+R - Resample
alt+S - Go to Sampler screen
alt+T - Tuning Tone
alt+V - Toggle channel 4
alt+X - Toggle channel 2
alt+Y - Save all samples
alt+Z - Toggle channel 1
alt+shift+M - Set metrochannel to current channel
' - Autoinsertmacro down
# - Autoinsertmacro up (The key beside return)
\ - Toggle keypad mode (dots!)
Return - Step one note forward
Backspc - Step one note backward
Alt+any key on keypad - tune drumpad
LeftAmiga+N - ScreenToBack
LeftAmiga+M - ScreenToFront
Thanks. I'll try to make the commands match as well as possible.
1.5.3 is out, the usual warnings about hidden bugs apply. I'll get back to that protracker key mapping later.