Hi people.
I've made a DMG with a SGB CPU in it. This makes the boot completely quiet and VERY fast.
I've made a comparison with a regular DMG. Both DMG's are connected to the same power socket, and are turned on simultaneously.
I'm running 8CYLINDER live drum software POUNDER 2.0 on both DMG's. Also I do this PROPERLY with heated air. Not some clumsy soldering iron. This is a top quality solder job. Se pic's if you want: http://www.flickr.com/photos/62235217@N
Check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra8opq1UvEg
If you are interested I'll make one for you for 75 euro.
I'm from Denmark. So steep shipping prices for US people is expected.
EDIT: I need some cash. 60 Euro will get you a modded DMG CPU board, with SGB CPU. !
Last edited by Glitch Militia (May 10, 2012 12:47 pm)