
Vidéo d'introduction du spectacle de la CHI (Coalition des Humoristes Indignés) présenté à guichets fermés, le 18 juin 2012, au Théâtre St-Denis!

Texte et co-réalisation:
Daniel Thibault
Pascal Barriault
et Jérémie Larouche

Jérémie Larouche

Merci spécial à:
Ghislain Taschereau (pour sa voix suave)
et Léo-Bureau Blouin (pour son sens de l'humour)

/end french

So, among the users of cm.o, you're most likely going to find that the use of Mario is tired and cliché (and I don't blame you) but I thought this was worth sharing regardless. Also you're probably not going to understand the use of french but I know at least a small few will.

Anyway, want to share other examples of the appropriation of anything video game related? Go ahead.

edit: if you no absolutely no french and can't put this together it's about the tuition hike protests in Quebec going on right now #carrerouge #manifencours #loi78

Last edited by Battle Lava (Jun 20, 2012 12:28 am)

Joliette, QC, Canada

hahaha yes I saw it funny ! smile

NC in the US of America

I have no idea what I just watched, but the title made me lol