
What is the difference between the super gameboy, gamecube gameboy adapter and the gameboys? And is the gamecube adapter prosound-able and is that even needed?

Austin, Texas

I don't know that I've ever seen anyone dissect and study the Game Cube Game Boy Advance adapter, but the Super Game Boy (SGB) is actually a complete game boy on a card that runs I/O through the SNES—all of the actual computing takes places inside of the SGB.

As such, it's fairly simple to pro-sound an SGB. I've heard that they have a different tonality and are louder and a bit bassier, but I wouldn't know personally… I have a couple sitting here that I need to do that to.

Differences between the SGB and normal game boys are hard to sum up, but there are a few. LSDj has been programmed to compensate for them in playback, so to my knowledge it is fully compatible.

A good place to start with very technical questions about the SGB would be the article on the GBdev Wiki.

Gosford, Australia

the gamecube adapter is supposed to sound pretty good and apparently you don't have to worry about slowdown at all either.

i haven't tried one myself though so this is just what i've read

Sydney, NSW
Victory Road wrote:

the gamecube adapter is supposed to sound pretty good and apparently you don't have to worry about slowdown at all either.

i haven't tried one myself though so this is just what i've read

yeah, i've heard its pretty accurate, it's quick, and sounds a bit like a GBA in terms of sound. Paging Arnie/datathrash/egr, I know he's got one!


I have one, and it definitely sounds like the GBA, not the GBA SP. Buyer beware, the WAV channel can sound funny (like on the Gameboy Color) sometimes. But the audio itself IS really clear.