TSSBAY01 … warrior-ep

the isolated warrior ep is a selection of tunes from the tss discography that bridges the gap between the end of the 'xylox' and the 'now youre playing with powar' eras. released on cassette in 2004, then re-released on the now defunct chequered records in 2006, the isolated warrior ep is available again now at bandcamp. check it out! there is a .mid for 'arcade room one' that im looking for to add to the release, however im coming up short now. hopefully i'll find it and can add it. sorry for all the topics as of lately as well. maybe i can consolidate and make threads that are 'tss releases for the week of X' or something like that next time around. if you think so let me know here and i'll do that. there are also other releases up there now too, take a look around. i snuck the 'unstable mutation' remixes up, which is the last track from yesteryear. remixes by cex and pacman on that that should not be missed. … on-remixes

enjoy, and thanks for listening if you did!

Barcelona, Spain

Yeah! I was waiting for another TSS release! big_smile


this is good.